The Event Part. III

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I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage,

Just a few more steps, don't fuck up.

  I stared intently at Lucifer as he came into my view, his hair had been parted at the side and combed nicely, his immaculately tailored all-black suit clung to his body and displayed his muscles perfectly. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body and straight to my core, the mating pull has been getting stronger as of late.

Lucifer and I never once broke eye contact, we made our way to each other, and he took my hand gently before placing a kiss on my skin. I smiled at him softly as he lead me down the second set of stairs. Once we set foot on the floor we were immediately crowded by people all fawning over us and discussing plans with Lucifer.

"Just act natural, they will love you, αγάπη μου." Lucifer squeezed my had reassuringly.

  Many Demonesses obsessed over my attire and pulled me away from Lucifer.

  "I'm sure you're quite bored of listening to all that politics." A woman said before taking my arm.

  "It would be nice to understand what they're talking about." I said lightly and she smiled to me.

  "I know my Brother can be most insufferable, but I am sure you'll learn to deal with him." She said and my eyes widened,

  "Brother?" I asked,

  "I see he's failed to mention me, shame on him for ignoring his baby sister, my name is Rias." I smiled at her, she had spectacular sea green eyes and the reddest hair I've ever seen, she was truly beautiful.

  "Surely, I must ask him why he's never mentioned you." I said reassuringly before I heard Belials voice ring out through the hall.

  "In honour of our King and new Queen, we will feast!" He yelled and cheers erupted.

  Everyone began to file towards the large table towards the end of the room. Lucifer sat at the head of the table, I sat in the first seat on the right, and his sister sat in the first seat on the left side of the table. Once everyone was settled Lucifer stood and took my hand bringing me next to him.

  Oh god, not now.

  "While, I know it is sudden, and I have not known Kore for much time, I find, even now; this is the perfect time." He turned to me, "Kora, in the Underworld it is exceedingly rare and difficult to find ones mate, I have been looking for you for thousands of years, waiting for the one I can hold and love as my own. Since I have met you, your wit, sharp tongue, and beauty has enraptured me. You have bewitched me, body and soul, will you honor me and become my wife?" He got down on one knee, took the ring from its velvet box, and placed it on my finger.

  I felt tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, and I nodded profusely, "yes, yes." I said and felt a tear slip down my cheek.

  The guests burst into cheers and happiness as the feast commenced, Lucifer and I just stayed still, staring at each other, memorizing every feature in each other's faces. If I hadn't been wearing lipstick I would have kissed him. I broke away before I lost control of myself and I returned to my seat, I stared at the ring and the weight of its meaning settled in.

  We are to marry.

  I briefly contemplated the thought of how we should decorate for the wedding before I was broken from my thoughts by Rias.

  "Let me see, darling! He's kept that ring hidden from me," she said and I raised my hand from my lap to show her, careful to mind my manners and not let my elbows touch the table.

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