The Event Part. II

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  I felt myself slowly waking up and I attempted to roll over to avoid the light from the streets from assaulting my eyes. Unfortunately I was pressed up against a hard body and was unable to move. I groaned,

"Sleep, αγάπη μου." I shivered at the rough brogue of Lucifers voice.

In sleep we had somehow managed to entangle our limbs and my leg had been thrown over his hip bringing our bodies together. I could feel Lucifers length pressed to my core and I blushed profusely, and tried to wiggle myself free from his grasp, but that only made him tighten his hold on me.

"If you do not wish for me to take you now, don't move." He said with a groan and my blush spread to the tops of my ears.

  I stayed still and absentmindedly began tracing the patterns of his mating mark, it was similar to mine.

  I heard a slight knock at the door before I saw the familiar frame of Lydia entering the room. I smiled at her and Lucifer finally released me from his grip,

  "We must get an early start on dressing for tonight!" She declared and dragged me from the bed, placing me at the table and handing me a plate of food.

  The bacon was to die for and the eggs were perfectly cheesy, but the pancakes were what really made it. I had just barely finished when she was once again pulling me around. While the bathtub was filling she wheeled in a large cart containing many boxes and cases holding a wide variety of things.

  "Quickly now, come on, get in," she urged me closer to the tub.

  She washed my hair while I began to shave to 'save time' which was causing a bit of trouble. Lydia insisted I use vanilla scented body wash instead of my normal floral for this event, although I couldn't see how that would make any sort of a difference. I was placed in the same robe as yesterday and more servents came into the washroom.

  "This is Aileen and Chrysanthe, they will be styling your hair." Lydia introduced, and this is Icarus, she will do your makeup and nails." Lydia smiled and checked the time before setting the woman to work.

  I sat for quite some time while they worked on me, making sure every strand of hair and every bit of polish was perfect. I had somewhat begun to doze off when Icarus began on my makeup. Lydia had insisted that I be faced away from the mirror so I could not see myself, but I trusted that they wouldn't make me look ridiculous.

After they were all finished they packed their things and rolled the cart out and Lydia brought in a bag containing the dress she had made. I gulped,

"Guests are beginning to arrive, you should get dressed and prepare for your introduction." She said and hung the bag up before unzipping it to remove the most gorgeous gown I had ever seen.

The gold seemed almost iridescent in the way it reflected the light and the cut was better than I could have ever hoped for. She helped me step into the gown and closed the straps on my heels before finally allowing me to look in the mirror.

" god- thank you so much! I-I don't even know what to say, it's just so beautiful!" I said gasping and hugging her.

"I'll only have the best for our Queen." She said smiling.

The back of the dress opened to the very bottom of my spine, leave a tantalizing amour of skin exposed. The cut out neckline allowed for my mating mark to be seen and the illusion sleeves allowed for the skin of my arms to be seen as well. My hair had been put into a side part and then two fishtail braids that wrapped around the bun at the nape of my neck, with only a few curls to frame my face. My eyes had been done in a black liner and smokey eyeshadow accentuating their colours and a deep red lip to show my white teeth.

Don't you dare cry and ruin this makeup.

"My Queen, it is time for me to escort you to the staircase." I heard a Butler say from the doorway.

I nodded and followed closely behind him, "when they announce your name and the Kings you will walk down the first tier of stairs to meet him on the landing then he will take your hand and lead you down the second tier onto the ballroom floor where all the guests are, it will be a spectacular entrance." He said almost giddily, he didn't seem to be much older than I was, I'd be sure to find him and talk to him later.

"What is your name?" I asked him.

"Perseus, your Highness." He said and bowed, I giggled,

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." I said just as we reached the stairs.

I could see the Outline of Lucifer on the other side.

"Now Presenting, Queen Kora Scarlet Knight and King Lucifer!" The announced spoke and I began my descent.

  I never took my eyes off of him, we were watching each other, waiting to meet at the bottom.

  Don't trip.

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