The Talk Part. II

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  I tentatively ascended the stairs with him, careful not to step on my dress or fall, but he was not making it particularly easy.

  "όμορφη μου..." he repeated like a chant.

  Once we were down the hallway, out of prying eyes, Lucifer had a sudden burst of strength and pushed me against the wall.

  "What are you-" he cut me off by roughly pressing his lips against mine.

  Any words I had to say were immediately gone and all the wine I had consumed was going to my head. Once Lucifer regained some of his wits he realized that we were in the hallway where anyone could catch us, we were practically undressing each other, and that we were both too intoxicated to resist the mating pull and we needed to distance ourselves.

  "Let's go to our room and go to bed." I said quietly and took his large hand in my smaller one.

  He nodded and he transported us to our room through a magic circle. The whole magic concept still baffled me and I was amazed I was  okay after transporting.

  "Undress, I'll run you a bath." I told him and made my way to the washroom.

  I unzipped my dress and carefully removed it before turning the water on and waiting for it to fill, I added wood to the fire next to the tub and looked around for a lighter. I heard a snap and the sound of flames, I turned around and saw Lucifer standing there,

  "Magic." He reminded me and a slight blush dusted my face due to the fact he was completely naked and so near to me, but then again I was only in my undergarments.

  I added some scented oil to the bath to let it bubble and allow him some privacy, although I'm sure he couldn't care less.

  "It's ready." I said gently and averted my eyes so he could get in.

  "You will have to look upon me one day." His deep voice sounded,

  "I am not shy, I simply don't trust myself."

  You're hot as shit and I'm super horny because this whole mating thing. Asshole.

  He made no immediate attempt to bathe and I had the overwhelming urge to touch his hair again so I decided I would. I felt is eyes burning into my skin as he followed my movements. I sat on the tile behind his head and worked my soapy hands into his ebony hair. I wonder why his hair is not red.

  "You never told my about your siblings." I said quietly.

  "Forgive me, it must have slipped my mind, they're quite a handful as you now know. My sister is the Eris to the house of Germory, Sirzechs is also of house Gremory, he is in line for coronation as one of the Four Kings of Hell. He will then gain the name Lucifer, currently it is myself, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub- who Sirzechs will replace-, and Falbium Asmodeus. Ajuka is not as powerful as he used to be and is giving up his position. Rias will head our House once Sirzechs take his place as the Crimson Satan. I myself being the Draconian Satan, Serafall is the Female Satan, and Falbium is the Green Satan. These names all take on our traits, Sirzechs is known for his red hair, I, am the eldest and my most powerful magic is fire based, deeming me the dragon, Serafall is the only female, and skillfully uses this to her advantage, Falbium specializes in natural magic." He explained and I began to rinse his hair of soap and condition it.

"Your world is much more complicated than I thought, the way humans see it, you're a dictator. The demon race is actually quite civilized and well planned." I mused.

I heard his deep laugh resonate in his chest, "there are many things you do not yet know, Aγάπη μου."

  I noticed the slight heat in his cheeks from his evening of drinking once I began to wash his chest for him, he could hardly contain his stare at my breasts. I simply rolled my eyes and continued my work. I felt him gently stroke my cheek with the back of his finger as he gazed at me quizzically,

  "You're truly the most exquisite human I have ever seen. You're not like other humans, or demons, you're somewhere in the middle. Too human to fit in with the demons, too demon to fit in with the humans." He said and my brows furrowed.

  "Demon?" I asked and halted my movements.

  "You did not believe you would be mated to the King of Hell as a mere human, did you? You have a great power inside of you, locked away until I awaken it from within, so until then you are human." He said and let his eyes slip closed.

  I knew he was tired and we wouldn't get much farther in the conversation so I decided to ask him the next time we're alone. I helped him from the tub and drained the water while he dried off, but by the time I was done he was already in bed, his hair still sopping wet, and without sleeping clothes. I sighed and prepared myself for bed before slipping into his strong grip and immediately falling asleep.

όμορφη μου- My beautiful
Aγάπη μου- My love

I am so sorry for not updating, I've been super sick and so busy with competitions and studying for the SAT!

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