0.0- Prologue

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Adelaide Solo is the twin sister and best friend of Ben Solo, they were inseparable until Uncle Luke came one day. Uncle Luke told them all about the Jedi and the Force on their eighth birthday, thats when they found out that they were force-sensitive. That's when everything changed for Adelaide. 

She was very powerful in the force but so was Ben, Luke paid much more attention to Ben leaving Adelaide to learn herself. She didn't understand why her uncle liked her brother more, but it hurt her, she felt alone. The only one who really paid her attention was her father, so while Luke trained Ben, Han would teach Adelaide about the Millennium Falcon.

 She knew that ship inside and out within a year and once she proved that to her father, he taught her to fly it. "Dad will I be the best pilot ever?" Han smiled and chuckled at his little girls question. "I think you'll be the best pilot in space Addy." The nine year old looked up at him with her grey eyes "Even better than you daddy?" "Well I don't know about that sweetie, but you'll definitely be the second best right behind your dad." Addy smiled and hugged her father. 

She felt lonely and the ship was where she felt loved, with her dad and Chewy. Han knew how she felt, he could see the sadness in his baby girls eyes and it killed him. Luke favored Ben and everyone could see it. He left Addy with Chewy in the ship and went to the house where Leia watched Luke train Ben outside. "Can I speak to you inside Leia?" "Of course honey." They walked inside and Leia could feel her husbands sadness and frustration. "Whats wrong dear?" "Why does Luke favor Ben? It's not fair to Addy. She feels so alone, the only time she smiles is when she's in the falcon with me and chewy." Leia sighed, "Her and Ben were so close before we told them about the force."

"Maybe it was a mistake Leia." "Oh Han, its too late now. They will leave for Jedi training in just one year." Han looked at her, what did she mean he didn't agree to this. "Leia, I didn't agree to send our kids away for Jedi training." "I know Han but Luke thought it would be best for them." "Yeah? Well these aren't Lukes kids! I don't want them to leave home for Jedi training!" "Well Ben wants to go!" "Then send Ben, Addy will be miserable there." "She must be trained Han." "Well the day she leaves, so do I." "What do you mean?" "I can't be here without my kids, without Addy."

A year passed quickly for young Adelaide and soon Luke was taking her to the Jedi temple with Ben. She missed her dad and she had a very bad feeling about being here.


A/N I hope you guys like this story! I am very excited to be writing this for all the Poe lovers!

Word Count: 508 words

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