0.19- Where Am I?

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I awoke to darkness. I had no idea where I was. I felt a firm surface beneath my body and a thin blanket above it. I tried to reach out only to find I was being held inside something. 

My eyes felt so heavy, as if they hadn't opened in years. After minutes of trying I finally managed to open my eyes. I saw darkness, along with a blue light from somewhere in the room. I tried to reach out again, finding some type of clear wall just a foot from my face. I pushed hoping it would open but it seemed locked. 

I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Where was I? I tried to think of what I last remembered, but all I could remember was talking to Hux. I focused the force trying to open the container I was in and I heard a click. I used my arms to push it open again and this time It opened away from me.

I groaned as I sat up and looked around the room. It seemed to be some type of private medical bay. I heard some heavy footsteps come closer to where I was, so I quickly jumped up and out of the bed I was in. 

As my bare feet hit the floor I huffed in annoyance, a medical gown. Great. I looked around the room for a set of clothes or maybe some weapons, finally hitting the jackpot in a chest in the back of the room. The clothes seemed to be mine, similar to the blue outfit I wore before, makes me think I must be with Ben. 

I dressed quickly and grabbed my lightsaber before pulling a dark cloak around my shoulders and pulling the hood up. Approaching the door I tried listening for any troopers who might've been outside my door, but there appeared to be none. 

I needed to think about my next move before leaving this room, did I try to find Ben? Or do I try to find my way off this ship? One thing I knew for sure was I needed answers, why couldn't I remember anything? Why was I locked in a med bed? Could Ben have been the one to lock me in here? 

I needed the truth, and there is only one person I trust enough to give it to me, Poe. I focused again, using the force to feel for anyone in the halls. I slowly opened the door and left the room, using the force to lead me in the right direction. 

After turning many corners and almost running into some storm troopers I managed to find a hangar, sadly it was full of storm troopers climbing into their TIE fighters. 

"Things never can just go easy can they?" I asked myself quietly. I was about to move when I heard the sound of a voice.

"Attention. This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet, I have an urgent communique for General Hux." 

Poe. The voice sounded like it was coming through a speaker so I had to wonder if he was just outside the ship, planning to attack. Deciding I must move fast I jumped into the closest TIE fighter and buckled in quickly. Hux gave the signal for all of the TIE fighters to attack and we all left quickly. 

I kept in ranks with the storm troopers, so I wouldn't immediately be made and shot down, but as we approached the X-Wing I knew I had to make a move. It was just him out here, taking down the ships canons. I quickly circled around and began to shoot at the other TIE fighters to protect him. 


I knew my plan wasn't the smartest, I didn't really plan on it working this well. Beep beep  "Yeah I see that buddy." 

"See what, Commander Dameron." Leia said in my ear, "A TIE fighter, but it's firing at the others. Looks like its protecting me." I said back to her.

She stayed silent but I kept an eye on this fighter. I finished hitting all the canons and heard Leia in my ear "You did it, Poe. Now get your squad back here so we can get out of this place."

"No, General... We can do this. We have... a chance to take down a dreadnought." I said over the intercom, I make a sharp move to force one of the TIE fighters to crash into the ship. "These things are fleet killers. We can't let it get away." I said into the intercom again. 

"Disengage now... Commander, that is an order..." Leia says. I flip the com switch on the ship and continue on to the last canon "Lets go BB-8, its now or never!" I say as we blast the last canon, sending two TIE fighters up into flames with it.

Not edited

Word count: 814 

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