0.5 - Don't Hurt Him

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Once we were abord the Starkiller base we were put in different rooms and  they strapped me to a metal table then left. I rolled my eyes and undid the restraints with the force when a tall man with reddish blonde hair walked in. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." I rolled my eyes and then heard a scream from across the hall. "Don't hurt him!" I screamed, Poe... "You will leave this room immediately and tell Kylo Ren to come in here." I said with authority, "I will leave this room and go get Kylo Ren." He walked out and I saw Poe through the two doors as Kylo walked out of his cell and into mine.

"How are you alive?" His voice sounded robotic through his mask and I smirked. "Show me your face brother, then I might answer your questions." He obeyed and took off his mask, I studied the boy in front of me. My twin brother. My best friend. "You've grown up very handsome brother." He cracked a smile, "And you my dearest sister are as beautiful as ever." "You flatter me brother." "Back to business Adelaide." "Ah yes,  you wish to know how I survived your attack on me?" "Yes." 

"The resistance flooded the temple after you left. They found me as the only survivor and they nursed me back to health even though I begged for them to let me die." "I never wanted to harm you Addy." "I know Ben, I know. How did you know we were coming to Jakku?" "I had heard that Leia was sending two people on a mission to recover the last piece of the map tomorrow morning. I had not counted on you being there tonight." "There was an argument about whether I should have come on this mission between me and mother. She then called me a child and insulted me." 

"Is that why you didn't fight me on Jakku?" "I didnt fight you because I don't want to find Luke. He is one of the reasons I wanted to be dead. Him and mother always favored you over me." I felt his arms wrap around me and hug me tightly. "I am sorry Addy, for everything." "I know Ben. Now my pilot? Is he okay?" "He is. For now. I will allow you to escape but I need my information from him first. The others need to think I tortured you." "Then make it seem like you did." 

He hit me a few times so it looked as if I had been tortured and then he put handcuffs on me and led me to Poes cell. "Since she wouldn't tell me where the map is, maybe watching me torture her will get something out of you." "No please don't hurt her." "What is she to you pilot? She is nothing but a failure for a Jedi." He punched me and I fell to the ground. "Don't touch her!" Poe screamed as Kylo kicked me and hit me. 

"I'll tell you where it is just stop hurting her!" Kylo stopped, resting his hand on my back before standing up straight and turning to Poe. "Where is it?" "Its in a droid. A BB unit, Orange and White." Kylo undid my handcuffs then left and locked the door and I stood up and faced Poe.

Not edited 

Word Count: 564 words

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