0.6 - Escape

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"I'm so sorry Addy. He was hurting you." "It's okay Poe, I understand." "We gotta get out of here." Just then the door opened and a stormtrooper entered "Kylo wants his prisoners." He led us down the hall and then pushed us to the side and pulled off his helmet. "This is a rescue mission just do as I say." "Are you with the resistance?" Poe asked, "What? Resistance? No! I'm breaking you outta here." There was silence for a minute when Poe spoke up "Why are you helping us?" "Cause its the right thing to do."  "You need a pilot." "I need a pilot." The storm trooper answered. "Can you fly a TIE Fighter?" "He can fly anything." I say, finally speaking up. "But TIE fighters only have two seats." Poe says, "Which means someone either flys separate or stays behind." I say.

"We can't get two TIE Fighters out." The stormtrooper says, "I will stay, you two go." I say to the two men. "What no Addy I can't lose you." Poe says. "Don't worry Poe. I'll find my way back to you, but for now I have to stay here." "Addy please." "Go Poe. Just make it back and if I don't make it tell mom I love her." "Kylo will kill you." The stormtrooper says, "He won't kill his own twin sister." I ran off and found my way to the weapons where I got my lightsaber back and I went to Bens room.

"I thought you were escaping Addy?" "The TIE fighter only had two seats. I could not leave, Will you help me find another way out?" "Of course Addy. Until then you must stay hidden. No one must know you're here." "Of course." "I will send you out on an unregistered ship in two days. We will be close to Takodona so you can go there and meet Maz. She can get you back to your lover." "My lover?" "That pilot. You cannot fool me sister, you love him. He loves you too." "Thats why you were letting us both escape." "Yes, but I did not count on the stormtrooper turning against me and taking your seat on that TIE Fighter. Anyway get some rest, you need it." 

I laid down on his bed and immediately fell asleep. When I woke up Kylo was gone and a note left on the table. "Addy, I had important things to do. Your departure may be pushed back further than we thought. We will talk about it later I promise. Remember don't leave my room, I'll bring you lunch later. Feel free to shower and change. Ben."  I got up and walked to the very large amazing bathroom and took a long shower. 

I wonder if Poe and FN-2187 made it out, I hope Poe did. I tried to use the force to search for him but found nothing. Maybe I just can't reach him from here. 

I finished my shower and pulled on one of Bens sweatshirts and a pair of leggings I found then sat and looked out the window at the sky. 

Poes P.O.V

As we flew away from the ship I hoped Addy could make it out, I can't live without her. "You alright Dameron?" "I shouldn't have left without Addy." "She's Kylos sister, I'm sure she's fine." "I need my girl Finn. If he hurts her, I'll kill him myself." As soon as I said that our TIE Fighter was hit and we crashed on the sand of Jakku. I landed very far away, I couldn't see the fighter or Finn. So I walked on in search of any city just hoping that Addy was okay. 

Not edited

Word Count- 614 words

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