0.14 - Betrayal

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A/N this is gonna seem kinda rushed but I'm trying to get somewhere.

The next morning I went to the control room where Kylo and Hux were, "Morning boys." They mumbled replies and I frowned, someone wasn't a morning person. 

"Whats up?" I ask, "Well we are planning to blow up the planet the resistance base is on." Huh told me, "What? Now?" "Yes, Ren says he knows where it is." Hux told me as he walked away. 

I dragged Kylo out and shoved him in a room, "What the hell?" "What" "You know what Ben! You were trying to destroy the planet and not tell me? Poe is there! And dad and mom and my friends." 

"The sooner you lose those attachments is the sooner you will come to the dark side." He said, "Thats all you ever wanted isn't it? You never cared about me, you just wanted me to join you." 

He didnt reply so I knew I was right, "You betrayed me Kylo Ren." I turned and ran off and went to my room where B3 was.

"Come on B3 we are going to Mustafar." He beeped as I grabbed the things I needed and ran down to the main Hanger where my X-Wing was. 

As I put my stuff in it and B3 got in it Kylo ran down there with Hux and Phasma. "Where do you think your going?" Kylo asked, "Far away from you." I answered. "You are not leaving!" He yelled, "Watch me!" 

As I turned he froze me with the force, wrong move Kylo. "I said you're not leaving." 

I closed my eyes and allowed the Force to instruct me on how to escape this and so I pushed into his mind and he let me go and was pushed across the room. "I said I am leaving, do not try and stop me." 

I turned and looked at Hux who looked surprised, "What? Don't tell me you thought he was the stronger twin?" I jumped in my ship and took off for Mustafar.

Poe P.O.V

I stood next to Leia as we tried to decide what to do about Adelaide when we got a transmission from someone we have  undercover in the First Order. 

General, Adelaide has left the First Base, her and Kylo Ren got into a pretty serious argument and she left. One thing is she overpowered him, he froze her with the force and she not only got out of it but threw him against the wall. She said to General Hux 'What? Don't tell me you thought he was the stronger twin?" Then flew off, No one knows where she would have been heading and Ren doesn't seem to be going after her. 

"Well this could be good or bad Commander. Good if she realized he was bad and is coming back here, bad if she has touched the dark side and thats how she overpowered him." Leia said, "So what do we do?" I asked. 

"We wait, If she returns or try to get in touch with anyone to see if she is alright. " She said and I nodded, agreeing with her. 

Adelaides P.O.V

I landed my ship on Mustafar, no one has been here in a long time, they have fixed the place since Anakin and obi-wan fought here though. 

"This is a good place to finish your training Young one." Anakin said as he appeared next to me, "With the help of Obi-Wan and Yoda, you will be a Jedi master in no time my dear." He finished. 

"Good, I need to be ready for when the time comes. I am going to have to kill Kylo Ren." 

Word Count - 610 

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