0.12 - The Dark Side

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The next two days passed by fast and soon it was time for me to leave, I was with Poe in my room. "Please don't go." "I have to Poe, I love you." "I love you too sunshine." "I'll be in touch." We kissed and I ran off to my X-Wing. "Come on B3. We gotta hurry." Soon we left the base behind and once we were in space my controls were overridden and I was being pulled to a First Order ship. I am glad you decided to join us. Stay out of my head Snoke. 

It wasn't long before we made it to Star Killer base and Ben came and helped me off my X-Wing. "Address me as Kylo while we are in public." "Of course." "Who is this?" A tall skinny red headed man said as he walked up, "This is my twin sister Adelaide. Adelaide this is General Hux." "Pleasure" Hux said, "Likewise." I replied. "She is here under orders from Snoke, I will finish her training and while she is here she is to be treated with the utmost respect, she has a fiery temper." 

"Much like someone else. Well Adelaide, if you are to be staying here for a while I will get you a room set up next to Kylo and we will have a meeting to address the troopers of your status here." "That would be great, thank you." "You're room should be ready in an hour if you would like to go train or eat the cafeteria is that way and the training room is that way." "Alright thank you General." "Any questions?" He asked, "Actually, is there somewhere I can get something different to wear?" 

"Of course, Phasma will take you." He gestured to a really tall woman in a silver stormtrooper outfit, "Follow me." I followed her to a huge room full of different clothes. Mainly dark colors. "Well take your time, when your done hit that and either me, Hux or Kylo will come get you." "Thank you." I walked through the various rooms and found a pair of dark blue leggings, dark blue boots and other dark blue articles of clothing. In the last room there was a huge mirror so I got dressed in everything I found and I clipped my light saber to the side. (The above picture.) 

I walked out and hit the button and Ben showed up, "You look amazing sis. The meeting was just about to start." We walked down to the meeting area where all the stormtroopers stood below us, there were so many. "We have called this meeting today to introduce a new member of The First Order." Hux said then Ben stepped forward "The new member must be treated with respect, treat her as you do me, as she is my twin sister. Ace Ren, will be here for training and at this point we are not sure how long her stay will be with us but either way she is to be treated as if she has always been here. Ace?" 

We never talked about giving me a new name but I really liked Ace, Ben knows me well, I stepped forward and looked at the stormtroopers. I needed to sound strong. "I am here to train with my brother, I am not here to bully or belittle you, I will respect you if you show me respect in return. If you dare to question me or my motives for being here, it might be the last thing you ever do so I hope it was worth it. Most of my time here will be spent training, while I do not plan on staying long, I will most likely be here various times throughout the years and I intend to keep my place among the First Order." 

Hux dismissed them then showed me to my room and left me alone to settle down. Snoke has been in my mind, deterring me from the light side and I am trying to stay strong but being here, closer to him and Ben makes it hard. You can let it in, join us here. His voice said. Never, I have too much to lose. I replied, Like what? Your boyfriend? He is helping your mom hunt down Kylo, and now you. He said, He would never. I said, but deep down I knew he was telling the truth, when it comes down to it, they are hunting me. 

Word count - 747 words

A/N -  Thanks so much for 1K reads! And thanks to those of you who commented on my last chapter about how the story is gonna go, I have a really good idea for the story now!

The Jedi Pilot [Poe Dameron]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon