0.17 - The plan

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The next morning I woke up and took a shower then dressed (the picture above) then went down to breakfast with Poe. "Morning dad, mom." I said as I sat down across from them, "We have a big meeting to attend after breakfast, about our next plan of attack." Mom told us. 

We ate then headed down to the main meeting room and there was a big hologram of Starkiller Base up. "Addy!" I turned towards the voice as Finn and Rey hugged me tightly, "When did you get back?" They asked. "Last night." 

Mom called us to order and we all stood around, I kinda zoned out as they talked over the plan because I kept looking at Poe, it wasn't until I heard dad say my name that I zoned back in. "She has to go!" He said to my mother, "It is too risky, what it he turns her back to his side? You know she has a weak spot for him!"

"I have a what?" I asked slowly, "A weak spot Adelaide." I narrowed my eyes and scowled at her, "I have no weak spot for him. The only weak spots I have are for Poe, Dad, and Chewie! Yano? The only ones who have ever been there for me?"

She was surprised to say the least, we usually kept our family problems away from everyone else. "You aren't going and thats final." "Try and stop me General." I turned and walked to my room to prepare for this fight.

I changed into something more suitable for a battle and tied my hair back, I walked to the hanger and began preparing my ship. 

I felt someone approaching and I turned to see Poe

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I felt someone approaching and I turned to see Poe. "Maybe you shouldn't go darlin." He said as he stopped in front of me.

"Excuse me? I am not staying here, I am the only person skilled in using the Force and I am a Jedi Master." I said as I started to check over my ship again. "I don't want you to get hurt. I know you are capable of fighting love, I just don't want to lose you. You are the biggest threat to Kylo and you will be his main target." 

"Actually Ray will be. She is not yet trained, he knows i cannot be swayed to the dark side but she can be. Besides he will not hurt his sister." I said as I turned and hugged him.

"Dont do anything too crazy out there Poe, I'd like to be able to have something to look forward to after all this." I pulled away and kiss him deeply. "Don't worry about me Sunshine, I love you be safe." He said to me and I smiled, "I love you too." 

I started to get into my ship when I heard my dad. "Wait up kiddo." I turned and smiled at my dad, "Whats up dad?" "I just want you to know how proud I am of you Addy. You have grown into an amazing strong woman and if anything happens today I just need to make sure you know how much I love you." 

"Don't say that dad. I couldn't go on without you, I love you so much." I hugged him tightly as tears started to form into my eyes. "I'll be right there with you dad." he smiled at me and said "I wouldn't have it any other way, but if anything does happen just remember that the Falcon is yours." 

I smiled up at him and he went to the falcon with Rey and Finn and Chewy and I climbed into my X-Wing. 

I took off from the hanger with dad and the other pilots following behind as I led the way to the Starkiller Base. 

"Alright dad, land in the woods near the checkpoint there while I go in." I said onto my transmitter. "Wait What?" Finn said, "Im going in Finn. Thats my brother he won't hurt me and even if he is still mad at me Hux respects me and everyone still has to follow my orders."

I landed in the main hanger and General Hux and some stormtroopers were waiting for me. I climbed out to greet the General. "Hello General." "Nice to see you again Adelaide, what brings you here?" I glanced at the troopers and then locked eyes with Hux, "private matters." 

He nodded slightly and dismissed the stormtroopers before leading me to his private office. 

"So Adelaide, why are you really here?" "The Resistance has a plan for attack on the base, my mother would not allow me to know the details as she does not trust me but I know it is soon." 

He stood up straight and headed towards the door, "Ren must be informed immediately." I stopped him from leaving, "Is he still angry with me?" I asked, "Personally miss Solo, I don't think he was angry. As much as he doesn't want to admit it he cares deeply for you." 

With that Hux left the room and I followed close behind keeping a close eye out for news about my father and the others.

As we walked I felt a buzz in my ear and then Poe speaking. "The shields are down Addy, get out of there as soon as possible." I couldn't reply so I kept walking towards the control room where Kylo waited.

We entered and I stood closely to Hux, "Ren we have a problem." Kylo turned around and his eyes fell on me. "When did she arrive and why was I not immediately notified?" He asked Hux, "I met her down at the hanger as soon as I was aware of her arrival here." "Come with me Adelaide." 

I glanced at Hux then followed Kylo to his room and he shut the door then took off his mask. "Why did you leave?" "I needed space Ben.." "Then why are you back?" "To warn you of an attack." "You mean to help the attack and distract me by being in here? You would never turn against your precious pilot Addy." 

i rolled my eyes and turned to face him, "Believe what you want brother, but I am here either way. The question is will you let me leave or force me to stay?" "I will not force you to be away from your lover but you are always welcomed here." 

An alarm sounded and he grabbed his mask, "Be safe sister." He said before placing his mask on his head and running out of the room. 

I ran out and started to run towards where I knew my father was but I kept getting stopped by troopers and generals. 

As I made it into the room Rey and Finn were standing on the top level with Chewy a few levels down and Ben was standing face to face with our father. I could feel his anger and his hate, I knew what was going to happen next.

"Ben no!" I screamed as he stabbed our father through the chest and he fell off the bridge. I ran to the bridge and dropped to my knees desperately trying to reach him, but I was too late and he was gone. 

I felt Kylo behind me, not Ben, he was no longer my brother... 

I screamed out for my father and I cried but I felt the Bridge start to break beneath me.

Chewy yelled but he was dragged away by Finn and Rey, Poe was trying to talk to me in my ear but I couldn't hear him over my screaming. 

"Adelaide come on!!" I turned to Kylo, as he was the one yelling out for me, "I hate you!!" I yelled as I jumped off the bridge...

Word Count - 1293 words.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update but I have been really busy with school and work lately. Hope you enjoy!!

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