0.10 - Alone

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I landed in Naboo and was greeted by the Queen, "Hello Adelaide, Your home is waiting for you as usual." "Thank you Queen Saline." I was taken to my home with B3 on a boat and I smiled. "It's good to be home." I went to my room and pulled off my cloak and left my weapons on the table and went out onto the balcony. beep Beep "They are looking for you."  B3 said, "They can look all they want they can't find me."  "They will eventually." "I'll go back to the first order before they find me again." 

It was dark out soon so I went to my room and fell asleep.

I was standing in a dark room, a bridge separating the two sides. Chewy, Finn and Rey were on the other side while Ben and dad were in the middle. Stormtroopers where everywhere and It was quiet, too quiet. Ben and dad were talking but I couldn't make out what was being said. I was getting closer and closer to them when a red light erupted from Bens' lightsaber. A scream, then darkness

I woke up covered in sweat and it was still dark, but something was wrong. I heard the footsteps coming close and the X-Wings. "Fuck!" I jumped out of bed and grabbed my lightsaber turning it on. Some resistance fighters stormed in with Saline following. "You were my friend Saline!" "I am sorry Adelaide, it has come to my attention that the safest place for you is with the resistance. The First Order is hunting you Adelaide." She replied, "Is that what the General told you? She's lying!" Kill her. No. She's my friend. She betrayed you.   Who is in my head?  I am Snoke, join me.  no! 

The resistance fighters had their blasters aimed at me and I frowned as Leia and Poe walked in. "Come with us Addy..." Poe said, "I wanted to be left alone." "You know we can't do that." My so called mother replied. Someone shot me and I was instantly unconscious. 

Bens P.O.V

I was commanding some troops when my necklace started burning meaning Adelaide was hurt. "If you'll excuse me I have something to take care of." General Hux looked at me weirdly before I walked off to my room. I took off my helmet and sat down and used the force to get into her mind. I could see what she saw, which was darkness, she must be unconscious. I focused on her hearing. 

"There was no need to stun her!" that sounded like Han, "She wouldn't have came back." Leia said, "So what? She's obviously not happy here with you treating her like a child and now you have her locked in her room? Does Poe know about this?" "He does. He is not happy with my decision, but she needs to be here. The First Order is obviously the reason she's so weak." Oh so they think I starved her? I need to get her to safety, I have to wait until she's conscious though. 

The voices of Han and Leia left and someone else walked in and held her hand, "I'm so sorry Sunshine. I didnt want this to happen to you." It was that pilot, maybe he did care. "You are so unhealthy Addy, Please wake up soon. Please. I can't live without you." 

I heard a voice in my mind, "Ben help." It was Addy, She needed me. So I was gonna help her. 

word count - 584 words

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