0.3 - 10 years later

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A/N Sorry for the time skip, I just really want to get to the mission and stuff so.

I woke up to my best friend pulling my blankets off me. "Good morning sunshine!" "Poe go away!" "No can do princess. General Organa needs to speak to us." I grumbled as I got out of bed, "Don't call me Princess." He laughed as I took a quick shower and got dressed into my usual Jedi outfit and my lightsaber. I braided my hair and came out of the bathroom and Poe was on my bed. "About time Addy." I rolled my eyes and we walked to the meeting room.

We sat down and mom smiled at us and I realized that no one else was there. "Where is everyone mom?" "This is a private matter. We have found the map to Luke Skywalker, its on Jakku. I need you two to go to the village and find Lor San Tekka, he will  give you the map. At this moment only a select few know about your departure on this mission. You leave at dawn." "Alright General, If you'll excuse me I'm going to go pack." Poe said motioning to the door. "I'll go in a second." I said and he nodded and left. 

"Do you think its wise if I go on this mission?" I ask, "Why would it not be dear?" "If someone alerts the first order we are there, he will find me and know I'm alive, and he will certainly kill me this time." She frowns at me, as if it wasn't a legitimate problem. "You are a Jedi Adelaide, it's time you act like one. I know you don't want to find Luke, but that is no reason to act like a child." She scolded me, she wanted me to act like a Jedi? She knew nothing of being a Jedi and what I went through. 

"You always did favor Ben over me, mother." My voice was deep, almost sounding forced. "I have never favored one of you over the other Adelaide." She almost sounded surprised by my comment, almost. "Oh please, he was your favorite. You begged Luke to train him! You would always watch him be trained while Luke neglected to train me! Oh, but now you're paying for it." I was getting angry, I knew I shouldn't but this was too much for me.

"He was trained so much differently than I. I relied on our grandfathers voice in the force to teach me. Cause Luke wouldn't do it! Even when we became his padawans, Luke always favored Ben over me. Just like you." I stormed out before she could say anything and went to my room. I quickly packed and pulled on my cloak and pulled my hood up and walked to Poes room. "When will you be ready?" He turned to face me and answered, "I'm ready whenever. Is everything okay Addy?" "Everything is fine. Can we leave now?" "Umm sure, yeah. Lets go." 

We walked to his T-70 X-Wing and climbed in. "Come on BB-8." BB-8 beeped and got in as well. We took off and it was very quiet. "What happened Addy?" "I am fine Poe." "I know you're fine Addy, but I still wanna know what happened." "It's not important. Let's make the transition to light speed." He sighed and nodded and we were soon in light speed. 

I had a bad feeling about this, I felt someone in the force, I just hope I am wrong. 

Not Edited! 

Word count: 588 words

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