Chapter 6

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I biased this loosely on a DW episode. Don't hate, had writers block and needed to make the story a little more exciting. Thanks :)



I walked out of the building after a long reunion with Mr.British government. He lectured me about being careful, yada yada. I was on my way back to 221b, I hailed a cab and rode there in deep thought. I arrived in a few minutes and payed the cabbie. stepping onto the sidewalk I see Sherlock looking at me through the window a relieved expression across his face. I walk into 221b and was engulfed by Sherlock. He pulled away from the hug and looked me over gripping my shoulders.

"What's wrong." I questioned worry plastered across my face.

Sherlock held up a note

Hey, sorry about this but I have no other choice. The only way to protect my friends is by killing you. But, it's okay, I have your approval. On the counter I have placed two tape recorders. Listen to them to have my reassurance. Again so sorry about this.

-Doctor :)

"What in the world.." I muttered to myself. I noticed the Doctor and Tardis was missing from the sitting room and knew it must be true.

"How could he have our approval? I certainly haven't given him permission to kill us!" Sherlock said sarcastically.

I walked over to the counter not replying to Sherlocks comment. I picked up a recorder that had Sherlocks name on it and handed it to him. I picked mine up and pressed play.

"My name is Molly Iversen, I approve everything the Doctor has in store for me. I approve my death."

I raised my eyebrows at Sherlock shocked.

"That's me." I almost whisper. Sherlock presses play on his recorder.

"I Sherlock Holmes approve my death and everything the Doctor has in store for me."

Sherlock, worry written across his face, engulfs me in a comforting hug. I wrap my arms around his back and place my head on his shoulder.

"Oh Sher, what are we going to do." I whisper. Suddenly Sherlock's phone goes off and he breaks the hug walking over to grab it.

"Hello Lastra.. WHAT!! Okay okay yes right away." Sherlock throws his phone on the couch and grabbed his shoes and coat.

"Molly get your coat, Moriarty is back."


Thank you for reading :)


398 words

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