Chapter 13

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They exit through another grill. A big round vault door is at the end of this corridor.

"Right, vault. That's clear. What's not clear is what we do now." The doctor says.

"Hey. You okay?" I ask, worry written across my face.

"No, I'm an amnesiac robbing a bank. Why would I be okay?"

"Because Jim." I reply

"What? Jim is dead, we are alive. Prioritise if you want to stay that way." He says.

"Oh, is that why you call yourself the Doctor? The professional detachment." Sherlock says.

"Listen. When we're done here, by all means, you go and find yourself a shoulder to cry on. You'll probably need that. Till then, what you need is me." The doctor retorts.

"Emotions are a weakness, I don't need them. And I certainly won't cry over my enemies death." Sherlock said. The Doctor walks away towards the vault and finds a case in a computer access alcove by the vault door.

"Another gift from the Architect. Shall we unwrap it?"

Sherlock quickly goes to the computer and hacks into it.

I didn't know you were good with computers." I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I had to learn how to hack into Mycroft's endless supply of information somehow love." He replies smiling at me before returning to the computer.

I walk back to the case seeing a printed card with TECH 251 ORG 339 PV on it. I pocketed the card.

"Right, the system looks like it's time-delayed. There are twenty four lock codes I need to break." Sherlock says. Suddenly we hear Growling.

"Doctor? It's coming. We're trapped." I say nervously.

"Sherlock, how long?" The doctor says.

"As long as it takes."

"It's locked on to one of our thought trails. We have to split up, minimise the brain signals." The doctor says.

"What happened to your professional detachment, Doctor?" Sherlock says. Sherlock holds out his hand, and the Doctor gives him one of the shredders.

"No, no." I say frantically.

"In case it finds me. It's my choice."

"You don't use that, okay? Promise me."

"Time to run." Sherlock says and sits down to work.

Clara and the Doctor go opposite ways through the maze of identical corridors. The Teller moves slowly.

"Vault locks opening. Vault locks opening. 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17" the computer beeps.As the computer counts down, the red lights around the outside of the circular door turn green. Sherlock stands up and runs.

I try to hide as the Teller stomps nearer.
Keep your mind clear, Molly. Keep your mind blank. I remember the doctor saying. I can hear the Teller's heavy breathing nearby, so I try to make a break for it. But as I run past the creature, it grabs me with its mind.

"Argh." I cry.

"Molly!" The doctor yells.

Sherlock starts to think of every murderous villain, every sociopath, every criminal he has ever faced.

"Every thief and villain in one big cocktail. I am so guilty! Every murderer in one body. Come and feast! Molly, I love you."

Sherlock stands in front of the Teller and pulls the ring from the top of the shredder with his teeth, like a grenade. The Teller aims its beam at him, and he jabs himself with the shredder, then screams as he disappears. The Teller roars, and I run.


"Three, two, one.... Failed." The computer says. The doctor and I run back to see one red light left.

"Vault unlocking failed." I tug on the bars on the front of the door.

"It's not opening. Sherlock. He died for nothing." I say angrily tears threatening to spill down my face. The Doctor goes to the computer alcove and uses his screwdriver.

"Multiple locks. Last one still in place." He says and opens up a nearby panel.

"Atomic seal. Unbreakable, even for me. The Architect would know that. He wouldn't bring us all this way for nothing."

"And get two people killed." I add sadly.

"Exactly. There must be some logic." The doctor says, "Come on, Architect. What else have you got?" We hear thunder outside.

"A storm. The storm's tripping the system. That's what he's got, a storm." The doctor says.

"How would he know when a storm would hit?" I questioned.

The doctor laughs. "Of course. Stupid, stupid Doctor. Of course, of course." He says.

"Of course, what?"

"Whoever planned all this, they're in the future. This isn't just a bank heist, it's a time travel heist. We've been sent back in time to the exact moment of the storm, to be in exactly the right place when it hits, because that's the only time the bank is vulnerable."

"Vault unlocked." The computer beeps and a big door swings open.

"The bank is now open." The doctor says.

"Vault unlocked." The computer says.

"Come on!"

Thanks for reading!! :)


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