Chapter Two

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The following day, Chelsea went to work refreshed after having a great night of sleep, and when she arrived at her office, Vincent was already there waiting to greet her.

"Good morning Chelsea."

"Morning Vincent."

"How did you sleep last night?" 

"Pretty good, you?"

"Not too bad, although I was too excited to stay asleep honestly."

"Really? why?"

Vincent leaned in closer to Chelsea, "I'm excited to watch a movie with you later on. It's been a long time since we hung out like the old days."

"I am too. Have you thought of a movie you want to see yet?" she asked.

"Not at the moment but when we get there we'll figure it out," he paused, "anyways, I'll let you get to your work and I'll see you at seven."

"Alright, see you later."

Chelsea worked throughout the day and when it was time to get ready for her movie date, she changed into a pair of black ripped jeans with a grey sweater blouse. Then she sprayed some perfume, combed her wavy hair, and applied light makeup.

At exactly 7:00 pm, Vincent knocked on her door and when she opened it, her breath caught. Vincent was devastatingly handsome, he wore a black t-shirt and dark denim jeans. The muscles on his forearms were on display for Chelsea's thirsty eyes, his body as a whole was just amazing. Vincent smiled and stepped into her apartment.

"Are you ready?" he asked but winked at her letting her know that he enjoyed her ogling him.

"Yes," she said slightly flustered.

"By the way, you look great," he said softly.

Her heart skipped a beat, "thank you Vin."

"Well then, let's be off."

And so they went to the movies and decided to see Edge of Tomorrow. After their movie finished, there were some paparazzi outside of the theatre eagerly taking pictures of them, so they decided to go to a pizzeria to eat. When they finished their food, they went on a stroll throughout Central Park. As the night wore on, Chelsea and Vincent were really enjoying each other's company and if anything, it confirmed Vincent's feeling for Chelsea. As for Chelsea, their date night also increased her feelings for Vincent if that was even possible, and she was starting to wonder if he felt the same way. Throughout the night, Vincent repeatedly glanced at Chelsea not in a platonic manner, but with such warmth and what she could guess was desire. Not once did she feel uncomfortable by his intensity, rather she felt cherished and womanly. When they parted ways and went to bed, both Chelsea and Vincent were able to find sleep knowing that they would dream of each other. 


The next day at work found Chelsea and Vincent looking at each other often. Today's practice was solely weightlifting and so, Vincent and his teammates spent the majority of their time in the weight room. The weight room had glass windows where everyone who passes by could see inside. Fortunately for Chelsea, Vincent was wearing a black under armor tank that bared his muscular arms, and as she walked by she couldn't help but stare. It was like his body was carved from a stone.  

After Vincent's weightlifting session, he showered in the gym locker room and then went in search of Chelsea hoping she didn't leave yet. Luckily when he went to her office, she was still there but she was gathering her belongings. He stood in the doorway and just watched her while her back was facing him. It didn't matter if Chelsea was wearing a baggy sweater or sweatpants, Vincent always thought that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He would never tire of looking at her lovely face and body.

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