Chapter Nine

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Throughout the night, Vincent checked on Chelsea and thankfully, she didn't develop a fever. He concluded that it was probably something she ate that made her sick. When Chelsea woke up and Vincent had a hot cup of ginger tea already waiting for her. When Chelsea was drinking her tea in the kitchen, Vincent wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her right temple.

"Thank you for taking care of me last night babe, I really appreciate it."

Vincent kissed her on her lips for a moment, "that's what husbands are for," he kissed her again.

Chelsea smiled, "aren't you a little late to work this morning?"

"I am, but I already told Brianna and Katelyn that I would be late since you weren't feeling well." Vincent unwrapped his arms from around her shoulders and checked his wristwatch, "I guess it's time for me to leave now. If you aren't feeling better, let me know and I'll come home. I'll see you later." He kissed her for the third time and then left for work. 

When Vincent arrived at the mill, he greeted Brianna at the front desk and made his way to his office. When he opened the door to his office, he was surprised to see Katelyn bent over his desk searching through papers inside his desk drawer.

"Katelyn," he firmly said and she immediately stood up straight and turned around.

"Hey Vincent," she said nervously, and then she inhaled donning her calm demeanor, "glad you're back. I hope Chelsea is feeling okay" she smiled, but her smile was forced.

"Yes, she's doing alright at the moment. Do you need something from my desk?"

"Oh yes, I was looking for the agreement policy for Reebok," Katelyn smoothly lied.

"Oh, if that's the case, I just sent the papers to Brianna. She should still have them."

"Okay, great," and then she decided to fix the papers on his desk, "sorry about the mess, my eye contact fell out and I've been looking all over your papers for it." Once she found the contact, she easily put it in her left eye. "By the way, Jason emailed me back, he wants to set up a meeting with you to go over the shipment of the machines."

"Okay, what's my availability this week?"

"You're available this Thursday at 10:30 for an hour."

"Alright, schedule the meeting for that time."

"Okay," she headed for towards door, "If you need anything else, let me know." Vincent nodded and sat down as he logged onto his computer.

As soon as Katelyn left Vincent's office, she let out a sigh of relief; she almost got caught! She wasn't expecting him to come a little early. She had to be more careful next time. Although it was no matter because Katelyn got the information she needed from his desk. She smiled as she walked to her office, everything was still going to plan. Around noon, Katelyn took her lunch break, but instead of eating, she decided to go to Aaron's house. When she arrived, she knocked on his door and he opened it for her. She immediately embraced him by wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a long kiss.

Aaron broke away from her lips, "I missed you, Kate" he said breathlessly.

"I missed you too, Aaron. We haven't seen each other in a while."

"Come," he led her to his couch. Once they were comfortable he asked her, "how is working for Vincent going so far?"

"It's going alright, his manufacture mill is coming along nicely. He has so many ideas that are coming through for him," she smiled.

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