Chapter Eight

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Two weeks later...

Tuesday afternoon, Vincent was in his office working on sealing a deal with Reebok. He was scheduled to fly out to Boston to meet the CEO of Reebok the following day. As Vincent was working away, someone knocked on the door interrupting his train of thought.

"Come in," he said casually and it was Katelyn, "Oh hey, Katelyn."

"How are the finishing touches going?" she asked.

"They're going good so far, honestly I'm just ready to get this meeting over with. I've been stressing about this for too long." 

"I understand, don't worry too much, you'll do great," Katelyn smiled, "Is there anything else you want me to do before I take my lunch break?"

"Yes, can you give this paper to Brianna to fax this to Stephen please?"


"Other than that, there's nothing else at the moment. I'll see you when you come back from lunch."

"Ok, see you later," and Katelyn quietly left and closed the door to his office. She went back to her office and grabbed her Dolce & Gabbana purse and headed towards the elevator. When Katelyn got to her car, she pulled out of the driveway and made her way to the bank. Today wasn't payday, but she had been secretly smuggling money from Vincent's company funds without being noticed. Katelyn was headed to the bank to deposit $3,000 in her account. She had to start low in order to stay under the radar, but the amount she would smuggle in the future would most definitely increase, she just had to keep Vincent, Brianna, and Chelsea all at bay.

After she deposited the money into her account, she went to Starbucks to buy a congratulatory caramel macchiato. At this point, she had no worries that she would be caught because everything was going smoothly. 


Later during the day after Vincent arrived home, he had to pack his suitcase for his flight to Boston.

"Okay, you got undies?" Chelsea asked 

Vincent smiled, "can't forget those."

"Pack more than one dress suit just in case one gets messed up, you'll have an extra one."

"Babe, I'm only going to be in Boston for 24 hours. I doubt something drastic is going to happen and ruin both of my dress suits."

"It's better to be safe than sorry and don't argue with me" Chelsea teased, "the wife always knows what's best."

Vincent playfully rolled his eyes, "the always ever so practical Chelsea," he smiled. "I'm good from here on out. The only thing I need to do is make sure my presentation is spot on."  So he went over his presentation five times before he went to sleep. Six hours later, Vincent and Chelsea got up and drove to John F. Kennedy airport where Chelsea dropped him off. Vincent promised to call her as soon as he would land.

Vincent arrived at Boston four hours later and he called Chelsea when he arrived to his hotel room. Then, he quickly changed into his dress suit and had a personal driver take him to  Reebok headquarters. Vincent was extremely nervous but he managed to deliver his presentation professionally. After his meeting, he went back to his hotel room and decided to relax and use the hotel amenities. He got a massage, pedicure, then ordered room service, and then waited to go to the airport to catch his flight home. 


On Thursday morning, Chelsea woke up feeling nauseous. To help her queasiness, she drank ginger ale throughout the day, but the nausea persisted. It wasn't until Vincent arrived home after work when he greeted Chelsea, that she told him she felt like throwing up. Vincent didn't have time to react because Chelsea sprinted to the bathroom and vomited. Vincent ran behind her to make sure she was okay and held her hair out of her face as she vomited. When she finished, she rinsed her mouth with water and Listerine. Vincent put the back of his hand to her forehead, "Chels, are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"I don't know what's wrong," she paused, "I woke up this morning feeling nauseous and drank some ginger ale but the nausea stayed with me the whole day," she groaned.

"Maybe it was something you ate last night. Come on, I'm taking you to bed." Once she got in bed, he pulled the covers up to her neck, "I'll go make you some ginger tea." And then he kissed her on the forehead. 

"Thank you Vin." Chelsea was able to drink a little ginger tea and felt slightly better. Vincent texted Brianna and Katelyn to let them know that he was going to be late tomorrow morning; he wanted to make sure that Chelsea was feeling better. 

When Katelyn saw Vincent's text, she smiled. If he was going to be late, then she had more time to carry out her undercover transactions. Katelyn smiled to herself, Vincent being distracted by his wife made things way too easy for her. At this rate, she will reach her numerical goal much sooner and at that point, she would quit working for Vincent and move on to her next target. 

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