Chapter Eleven

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The next day, Chelsea left work early because she had an appointment with her primary care physician. After voicing her complaints and being tested, her doctor told her that she was 5 weeks pregnant. Chelsea was in total shock yet elated at the same time; the first thought that came to her mind was, "how am I going to tell Vincent?" After her appointment, she decided to go to the supermarket and buy a pregnancy test to take at home so she could show the results to Vincent and, so she could keep the pregnancy test for memory's sake. When she arrived home in the afternoon, she took a Clear Blue pregnancy test and saved the results for the next day because that's when she planned on telling him.

Later that day Vincent arrived home and Chelsea could tell that he was in a restless mood.

"Hey, babe," Chelsea gently kissed him.

"Hey, Chels."

Chelsea took off his jacket and hung it up in the mud area, "you look like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"This whole situation is annoying, I just want to figure who's been stealing the money. Honestly, it's bothering me that this person deceived me so easily."

They went to their bedroom and Vincent started changing his clothes.

"Listen, Vincent, I know you're anxious to figure out who's been taking the money but we're not going to have the answers overnight. Trust Malachi, he'll get to the bottom of this. After all, he's our lawyer and someone we trust. Try not to worry so much."

"You're right but, that's easier said than done."

Vincent was in a restless mood for the rest of the night and no matter what Chelsea did, it didn't improve his attitude. Later on as they were in bed, Chelsea had difficulty sleeping. She couldn't help but think about telling him about the pregnancy news, but she was starting to doubt if the timing was right. Deep down, Chelsea knew that Vincent would be estactic to learn about the baby; she just wanted all of this to be over so they could get back to their normal lives. 


A couple days later,  Vincent held a mandatory staff meeting with all the employees of his manufacturing mill. He informed everyone of what was going in an appropriate fashion. During the meeting, Katelyn spoke up and claimed that she knew who was stealing the money. She brought physical evidence of the business account's previous statement and accused Brianna of tampering with the money. To say that Vincent was shocked was an understatement. At this point, he didn't know what to believe and he was suspicious of everyone. At the end of the meeting, he let everyone know that an investigation was going on in order to figure out the culprit. Unfortunately, with the accusations placed against Brianna, he had to put her on administrative leave until further notice. Vincent really didnt want to do this but he was left with no choice especially being that he was the boss. However, a small part of him doubted that Brianna was the person behind this scandal. Vincent vowed to do everything he could to get to the bottom of this and clear Brianna's name. 

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