Chapter Seven

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Vincent continued to meet with Katelyn and other investors while simultaneously buying a warehouse and turning it into a manufacturing mill. He had his hands full of responsibilities and he realized the more help he could use, the better. Vincent spoke with Chelsea and they agreed to hire Katelyn as his other personal assistant. Katelyn readily accepted the offer and left her former employer. Vincent already had a personal assistant Brianna, whom he hired 4 years prior. With Vincent, Katelyn, and Brianna all working together they were able to get a lot accomplished. 

On Thursday evening, Vincent came home about an hour after Chelsea. He found the living room empty, so he went into the kitchen and saw food on the counter. He went into their bedroom and heard Chelsea in the bathroom. She was getting out of the shower and was wrapping her short pink towel around her body. Vincent put his arms around her and kissed her moist lips while inhaling her fresh bath scent.

"Hey babe, how was your day?"

"Good, but slow," she smiled, "what about you?"

"It was good, I'm finalizing the renovations for the mill and our machines will be here by this Saturday."

She smiled, "did Katelyn tell you that your mom called you?"

"Yeah, she told me about her missed call. I was so busy today that I left my phone on the desk in my office and forgot that I left it there," he grabbed his personal cell phone, "you know what, let me call her right now."

After speaking to his mother for a few minutes, Vincent joined Chelsea in the kitchen. She was sitting on the barstool and started eating dinner.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"My dad's primary care doctor referred him to see a cardiologist. She thinks he has a hole in his heart."

"Oh my goodness, seriously?"


"I pray that's not the case."

"Me too. I'm already planning to take a few days off so we can go visit them."

"That sounds like a good idea, it's been a while since we've visited lately."

"Yeah, I know. I hope this is not something serious and that he'll be okay."

"He will be. Next to you, your dad is one of the strongest men I've met. He's overcome so much and I know this won't hold him down. We'll just have to keep him in our prayers."

"You're right, we'll do that," he paused, "I see your eating, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Thai. I got you shrimp fried rice and Pad Thai with chicken." After they ate, they went to bed; but, Vincent found it hard to sleep because he worried and thought about his father late into the night. Eventually, his fatigue caught up with him and he fell into a deep sleep. 

A few weeks later...

On Friday afternoon, Chelsea arrived home from work early so she decided to go to the mill to see Vincent. When she arrived at the mill, she parked her 2007 Lexus ES 350 in the parking lot. She took a moment to stare at the mill and appreciate Vincent's hard work. The curb appeal was impressive. It didn't look like a run-down shabby mill rather, the shiny grey paint exterior added style and modern touch. Chelsea had visited the mill six weeks ago when the contractors were working on the curb appeal and the improvement was drastic. She felt an overwhelming sense of pride to witness Vincent make his dreams a reality yet again. When she entered through the front door, she was greeted by the receptionist.

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