Chapter Four

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Three years later...

After confessing their feelings to each other, they started dating. And, within the span of eleven months, they became engaged and got married. Now they've currently been married for a year and four months.

On this Tuesday morning, Chelsea woke up at 5:45 and got out of bed to brush her teeth and freshen up. When she finished, she put on her white robe over her underwear and decided to make scrambled eggs with bacon for breakfast. When Vincent woke up 15 minutes later, he noticed that Chelsea's side of the bed was empty; so he got up and brushed his teeth and then went into the dining room. He found Chelsea dividing their portion of eggs and bacon, so he walked up and hugged her from behind.

"Mmmm smells good in here. Can't wait to eat."

"Good, I hope you're hungry."

"Oh I am, but not necessarily for food," and when he said that, Chelsea put the empty skillet on the table, and turned to completely face him.

"What, you don't want scrambled eggs and bacon, that's your favorite," she said playfully.

"Of course I do, but first, I want my dessert in bed," and Vincent pulled on the lapels on Chelsea's robe and untied her sash as he removed the robe from her body. Then he gently led her to their bedroom to satisfy their primary desires first.

Forty-five minutes passed and the couple emerged from their bedroom relaxed and content. They eventually ate their breakfast and when it was time for Vincent to leave for work, he kissed Chelsea and left. While driving to work, Vincent couldn't stop smiling, he felt incredible. Their lovemaking session lifted his spirits; he loved Chelsea so much and just being in her arms intimately always brought them closer. Now that he was in a great mood, he felt like he could take on anything thrown his way.


When Vincent arrived at the arena, he met up with his teammates on the ice rink, but in his peripheral vision, he saw his coach and the team's manager waiting to talk to him. Suddenly, Vincent had a terrible feeling in his chest, something's not right he thought to himself. 

When he sat down in his coach's office, he asked, "Is everything okay?" The team manager Chris was also in the office. 

Ryan, his coach, had a grim look on his face and replied, "Vincent, we're sorry."

"Sorry about what?"

"We're sorry Vincent, but we have to let you go," Chris said.

"Are you kidding me? Let me go? But I've been on this team for 6 years."

"Look, the decision has already been made and it's over our heads. We tried everything, but we can't do anything about it now. You know this business, one day you have a job and the next you might not," Ryan said.

Vincent was infuriated, he couldn't believe the Rangers were dropping him, out of all people. Vincent was awarded the MVP award three times and his team won the hockey championships several times. And yet, this was how the team's owner was repaying him, by letting him go as if he was nothing. He was in disbelief.

"Now we can try and trade you off to another team--."

"After all I've sacrificed for this team, this is how I'm treated," he interrupted. "I can see how hard you guys fought to keep me on this team," he said sarcastically. "One day, you guys are going to regret this," and then he stormed out of Ryan's office and headed towards the locker room to get his belongings. When he got to the locker room, he felt his emotions coming to the surface; he threw his skates and hockey stick on the floor in a fit of anger. Suddenly, a few of his teammates came running into the locker room.

"Vincent, what's going on?" Aaron asked.

"They cut me off man. I'm no longer a member of this team"

"What? but why?"

"The owner's decision."

"The owner's decision? how could he do this to you man?"

"That's what pisses me off the most," Vincent replied. 

"Damn Vincent, we're sorry man." 

Vincent exhaled deeply, "It's alright guys. I guess I should have known that this day was coming."

"We never expected the owner to get rid of you out of all people bro. We're here for you anytime you need it," said Tim, another teammate.

"Thank guys, I really appreciate it."

After he collected his belongings, he said goodbye to his teammates and was escorted out of the arena to his bitter dismay. Shortly after, he arrived at his condo. Chelsea wasn't in the living room, he heard her in the bathroom taking a shower. He took off his shoes and went back into the living room and sat on the couch.


Chelsea had the day off today, so after Vincent left for work, she decided to do some cleaning. She stripped their bedsheets and replaced them with a new set. As she stood by the washing machine, memories of her morning with Vincent resurfaced and she felt herself blush. They were still in the honeymoon phase and she never imagined that Vincent could be so passionate. Even though she was on birth control, she wouldn't be surprised if she became pregnant soon because they made love often. After she finished with the laundry, she washed their dirty dishes. Then, she hopped in the shower. When she emerged from their bedroom rejuvenated, she went to the living room and saw Vincent sitting on the couch.

Chelsea rushed and sat next to him, "Vincent, why are you home so early? Shouldn't you be at work?" At first, he didn't say anything but stared at the ground. "Vincent what's wrong?" she lightly rubbed his shoulders.

"The team let me go," he said quietly.

Chelsea gasped, "they let you go? But how could they? You've been with them for 6 years!"

"I know, that's exactly what I said Chels, but the decision was made by the owner. At this point, nothing can be done."

"Unbelievable, I can't believe they would do this to you after all you've done for them."

"I know," he murmured.

"Babe, don't let this keep you down. We'll figure this out together, remember you're not alone in this. You're strong and smart, hockey isn't your only talent. The New York Rangers let you go, but that's their loss, not yours. You'll bounce back from this."

Truthfully Vincent and Chelsea had nothing to worry about financially, they both saved enough money to live off for the next 10 years. However, with all the money saved, Vincent knew it wasn't going to last forever especially when unexpected things happened, take for example the recent hospitalization of Vincent's father.

Vincent kissed Chelsea softly on the lips, "thank you for the encouragement." 

Later that night, Vincent found his stash of whiskey and drunk almost half of the first bottle. When he came to bed, Chelsea noticed that he reeked of alcohol. She didn't chastise him because she knew he needed to cope. However, this drunken night turned into many over the next couple of weeks. At this point, Chelsea wasn't sure what to do but she had to speak up. She was not going to let her husband turn himself into an alcoholic. 

She was determined to help her Vincent find his way back to success. 

VincentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora