Chapter Fourteen

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Katelyn woke up on Saturday morning feeling extremely nauseous to the point where she ran to the bathroom and vomited. When she finished, she brushed her teeth and took a shower. Afterward, she went to her kitchen and turned her Keurig on so she could brew decaf coffee. When her coffee was finished, she sat down and turned her laptop on to check her emails as she normally did every day. Upon looking through her emails, one email, in particular, caught her attention because this email was from Vincent.

As she read the email, her heart dropped in her stomach. Vincent was terminating her employment. Katelyn couldn't see straight as her worst fears came to life. How could this have happened? she thought. Katelyn had always been extremely careful when it came to stealing money and she had never been caught before. She was arrested and accused of stealing money in the past and even went to court but, she managed to bribe the other party to drop the charges against her. Now that she was being fired, it only meant one thing: Vincent and his lawyer knew that she was stealing money and it was only a matter of time before she would be arrested.

Katelyn had to go to her emergency plan immediately. She opened a new web browser and quickly booked a flight to Birmingham, United Kingdom where her secondary apartment was. Katelyn's maternal grandmother was born and raised in Birmingham and when she died, she left her childhood apartment underneath Katelyn's name in her will. Therefore, whenever Katelyn wanted a vacation or would visit the UK, she would stay at her apartment in Birmingham.

Her flight was booked that night at 8:00 pm to South Carolina and then from South Carolina, she would fly straight to the UK. Unfortunately, she spent a lot of money on this flight, but she had no other choice. She went inside her bedroom closet where she already had an emergency suitcase packed and ready to go. However, she added a few extra pairs of leggings and oversized t-shirts just to accommodate her stomach as she would grow further in her pregnancy. Honestly, Katelyn had no idea how far along she was and she was still contemplating abortion. But, her pregnancy would have to wait because she had other pressing issues at hand.

Katelyn decided to stay at her storage unit for the remainder of the day until it was time to leave for her flight, it was deliberately 45 minutes away from her apartment. Staying at her apartment wouldn't be safe especially if the police were on their way to arrest her. She quickly grabbed her suitcase, laptop, and important documents and left. When she reached her storage unit, she already had an air mattress set up in the corner and she had a couple of snacks with water to consume. Katelyn laid down on the mattress and exhaled; all the stress and anxiety from the morning was taking a toll on her because she was suddenly fatigued. But then, she thought her fatigue could also be associated with the baby. At any rate, she set an alarm on her phone and then finally fell asleep. 

A few hours later, Katelyn's alarm went off at 4:45 and she reluctantly woke up. Strangely enough, after taking a 3 hour nap, she was still tired. But she had to leave as soon as possible. She called an Uber to take her to the airport. When the Uber arrived, she felt some relief that her plans were going accordingly. As she was sitting in the back seat of her ride, she couldn't help but think about Aaron. Katelyn still hadn't told him about the pregnancy and didn't know when she would. How will he react? will he be happy or upset ? she thought. Katelyn was always careful in terms of contraception. She was on the copper IUD and never became pregnant in the past, so why now? In the midst of her thinking, the Uber finally reached the airport. Katelyn put her thoughts aside and switched into high alert mode. Every police officer she saw at the airport made her dizzy with worry. She finally got through security safely and waited to board the plane.

Finally, the plane arrived and Katelyn boarded her jet blue flight to South Carolina which would take four and a half hours. When Katelyn arrived at South Carolina, she had a two-hour layover and then she would board her connecting flight to the UK. Unfortunately, her anxiety was through the roof and it would stay that way until she arrived safely in Birmingham. Two hours later, her flight arrived and she boarded the plane. As she was settling into her seat, she heard the pilot announced a delay to their departure. Katelyn didn't think anything of it until she saw two police officers walking down the aisle and surveying the passengers. Her stomach dropped and she suddenly felt nauseous. She turned her head towards the window and put her hoodie on, but she made eye contact with one of the police officers; and it was then that she knew her life was over. The police officer whispered something to his colleague and together they asked Katelyn to leave the plane with them.

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