Chapter Fifteen

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Ever since Vincent learned about Katelyn's deception, it took him a couple of weeks to repair the damage and overall, increase his security on all fronts. As embarrassing as the situation was, Vincent and Chelsea did their best to lay low especially as Chelsea progressed in her pregnancy. Unfortunately, Vincent and Aaron never spoke about their issue until Aaron finally decided to apologize and clear the air a few weeks later.

On this afternoon, Vincent invited Aaron over to talk. When he arrived, Chelsea opened the front door and greeted him. As he sat on their couch, he finally faced Vincent after not seeing him since Katelyn was arrested.

"Thank you guys for inviting me over today. I don't even know where to begin," he paused, "I feel so bad about what happened. In hindsight, if I had known that she was going to do this, I would've told you immediately."

"Start at the beginning, tell us how you met Katelyn," Chelsea said.

"I first saw her at a party in California. We were both in the VIP section when I saw her and her boyfriend at the time. I didn't think anything of it until we ran into each other again at a charity event in Miami a few years later. This time we were both single and very drunk. One thing led to another and when I woke up the next morning, she wasn't there. She left me her phone number and email and that's how we started talking. In the beginning, it was just causal because we weren't living in the same state but when she moved to New York, we started seeing each other more. Ever since I first met Katelyn, she's always been reserved and quiet about her personal life. She would only tell me a few things, but I couldn't help but feel like she wasn't telling me everything. Eventually, I stopped asking questions and accepted her for who she was. Little did I know, that she was hiding all of these secrets. Once again, if I had known that she was arrested for stealing money before, I would've never recommended you to her in the first place."

"Wow, I didn't realize you guys knew each other for so long," said Chelsea.

Aaron exhaled, "yea pretty much. We didn't start to really know each other until the past year but we were acquaintances," then he started blushing, "more like friends with benefits this whole time. Whenever we spoke about dating, she would always tell me that she didn't want to have the label of being in a relationship, and we were fine with the way things were. Technically we weren't in a relationship but we were exclusively seeing each other for the past year."

"Why didn't you tell me, Aaron?" Vincent softly asked.

"Honestly, how would I even introduce her to you guys? Like meet Katelyn who's a personal assistant and the woman I'm sleeping with but she's not my girlfriend? Do you see what I mean? I just wasn't ready to introduce her or even talk about that with you. If I'm going to introduce a woman in my life to close family and friends, then I want to do it the right way."

"I see where you're coming from. If I had known that you and Katelyn were messing around, you know I wouldn't care but eventually, I would ask why you two weren't officially dating," Vincent smiled.

"Exactly. I know how you are Vin," Aaron smirked, "but in all honesty, I'm so sorry that this happened. I can't even imagine how you guys felt when you found out she betrayed you like this. I'm disgusted at what she did and I just want to apologize on her behalf as well."

"It's ok man. We forgive you, more importantly, I forgive you. I'm not going to lie, at first I was hurt when I found out that you were messing with her this whole time. I thought you knew what she did and you didn't care. But now that I've heard your side, let's put this mess behind us. We're both becoming fathers and we have bigger things to focus on."

"Thank you, Vin. You know I love you guys. I had no clue she was doing any of this and once again, I apologize. Now that I'm getting older, I realize I want to settle down, get married, and have a family, like you guys...but I don't know if that'll be happening anytime soon," he paused, "I regret how our relationship went down. I should have left her a long time ago, but something was holding me back. I know what she did was pure evil, but deep down inside there is a good in her, I've witnessed it before. I hope with time, she'll become a better person not only for herself but for our child."

"I agree. Hopefully, she'll learn from this. You know we'll be here to support every step of the way," said Chelsea.

"Thank you guys so much."

Before Aaron left, he embraced Chelsea and Vincent in a bear hug letting them know how much he cared and how thankful he was for their forgiveness. All in all, they couldn't harbor hate and resentment for the rest of their lives, so they chose to be positive and move on. At the end of day, Katelyn was paying for her consequences in prison and hopefully, one day, she would change. The most important thing is that as friends, they decided to be there for each other during the rough times. Five months after the Katelyn was initially arrested, Brianna and Jennifer joined forces and threw Chelsea a surprise baby shower with close family and friends, Aaron included. Their baby shower was a night to remember because it signified new beginnings regardless of what the future held for the expecting parents. Two months later, Chelsea went into labor at 36 weeks and gave birth to a healthy baby boy born at 6lbs and 8oz. They named their son Emilio Vincent Giovanni Jr., and they couldn't be more ecstatic about their's son arrival.

Around the same time, Katelyn also gave birth to her son and Aaron was there to take him home. Upon arriving at his house, Vincent, Chelsea, and Aaron's family were all there to support him and help ease him into fatherhood. Aaron was starting a new journey being a single father, but he wouldn't have it any other way. His primary goal was to become the best father he could be and eventually fall in love with the right woman.

Aaron and Katelyn are about to start their road to redemption.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading to the end of my story. There will most definitely be a sequel to this story explaining Aaron's acceptance of fatherhood and Katelyn's journey to becoming a better woman and mother. I'm excited to be writing the next story, however, with everything going on, it will take some time. I'll do my best to keep you updated on the next developing story. God bless and take care. 

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