Why the Signs are in hospital

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Aries - 'I crashed my motorbike'

Taurus - 'Some idiot forgot to stop for me'

Gemini - 'I'm here with my friend'

Cancer - 'I was cooking soup for my boyfriend and spilled it all over me. I now have third degree burns

Leo - 'Someone called me ugly so I punched them, missed and hit a brick wall'

Virgo - 'Um... I work here'

Libra - 'I had a panic attack'

Scorpio - 'Someone pushed me down stairs'

Sagittarius - 'My toe got run over by one of those old women's motor scooters.'

Capricorn - 'I can't remember'

Aquarius - 'I was walking my mermaid and she pushed me down a well into Narnia'

Pisces - 'I was concentrating too hard'

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