At Work

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Aries - Is playing loud music in the cubicles

Taurus - Is playing a video game on silent

Gemini - Walks in holding third cup of coffee and trying to not look dead

Cancer - Is complaining about work hours again

Leo - Is begging for a promotion and being refused

Virgo - Arrives fifteen minutes early and starts work on a project due in two months

Libra - Is busy flirting with the higher ups

Scorpio - Takes an online course about how to even do their work

Sagittarius - Has walked into a wall whilst trying to check out Pisces

Capricorn - The Big Boss, is making a list of people to fire

Aquarius - Has fallen asleep at their desk

Pisces - Is dropping files all over the floor again and is trying to pick them up

The ZodiacTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang