April Fools

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Happy April Fools Everybody :D

Aries - Switches toothpaste to mayonnaise

Taurus - Covers everything with tin foil. EVERYTHING

Gemini - Covers the bottom of the laser mouse with a piece of paper (I did this today, it was great, my dad said that he would kill me when he found out :D Positive Parenting :D)

Cancer - The classic airhorn

Leo - Hides cereal packets throughout the house. Not the boxes, just the plastic packets

Virgo - Glitter bomb

Libra - Pours water in a closed umbrella

Scorpio - Fake spiders on the arachnophobia people (don't get any ideas)

Sagittarius - Goes round telling people lies (It sounds lame but really isn't. I also did this. I told my friend LoomingDarkness564 we had an surprise test and they feaked out so bad :D)

Capricorn - Gets a box of practical joke things, like whoopi cushions on chairs

Aquarius - Is the one on the receiving end of all the jokes ( :( )

Pisces - Drop of food colouring in all the glasses so any water looks contaminated

The ZodiacTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon