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Aries - Hey guys, guys, look what I found

Taurus - Urgh, everything's so expensive

Gemini - I need to try on all twenty of these outfits (um... no. More like, I need to buy these twenty books but have literally no money left from all the funco pops I bought :D)

Cancer - Can we go to the food court?

Leo - I need this... and this... and this... I need EVERYTHING

Virgo - I don't really want to spend too much... *spends the most*

Libra - *Helps everyone choose stuff and doesn't buy anything them

Scorpio - Yes, my favourite shop

Sagittarius - Urgh, hurry up guys

Capricorn - Hang on, I have more change in here somewhere... which one of you stole that tenner I had? *Already spent it*

Aquarius - I don't really need this, but it's on sale so I'm buying it anyway

Pisces - Nothing looks good on me

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