In Class

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Aries - Is bored so has started a game of paper volleyball at the back of the class with Sagittarius

Taurus - Walks in fifteen minutes late without a decent excuse and is told to 'see me after'.

Gemini - Is glad they skipped class

Cancer - Gets freaked out by Scorpio who claims to be an alien

Leo - Is too busy flirting with Libra to notice the debate

Virgo - Is trying to remind everyone that they're meant to be discussing the Spanish Civil War

Libra - Wants to join in on debate but is too busy trying to get rid of Leo

Scorpio - Freaks out Cancer by saying they are an alien

Sagittarius - Is bored so has started a game of paper volleyball at the back of the class with Aries

Capricorn - Is debating with Aquarius whether aliens exist or not (against)

Aquarius - Is debating with Capricorn whether aliens exist or not (for)

Pisces - Claims to have been abducted by aliens before and is ignored (as usual)

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