Crisis Situation

458 6 9

I'm doing it in a different order for this one :)


Aries - Will someone shut this bitch up?

Scorpio - *Shoots Aquarius*

Pisces - *Starts drinking*

Gemini - *Faints* (wow, I'm pathetic)

Libra - *Gives Gemini a blank stare*

Virgo - Someone gonna clean that up?

Taurus - *Runs into a wall*

Sagittarius - What the hell are they doing? Running into a wall?

Leo - I... I can't...

Capricorn - *Is hiding in a corner*

Cancer - *Cries and then blows up everything*

Just... don't ask, it'd be easier. I don't even know what this is, just something I found on the internet. Yay, good old internet making me look crazier than I actually am :D

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