Cute Traits

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Aries - Secretly loves romantic movies and daydream about having their own families. Will laugh at inappropriate things with even more inappropriate timings

Taurus - Spends hours choosing outfits, sings in the shower and secretly loves school

Gemini - Laughs at their own jokes, practises kissing on their own hand (nope) and loves fast food restaurants

Cancer - Gets really excited about Christmas and always stays up late, waiting. Loves animals

Leo - Takes over a million selfies and then deletes them all, always ends up getting midnight snacks and secretly really wants to settle down with someone

Virgo - Have infectious laughs. Are passionate about what they love and dance around their rooms singing to favourite songs (hah, me)

Libra - Love baking and spend hours drawing and doodling even if they're not artistically talented. Often think a lot about kissing someone

Scorpio - Buys lots of things for other people coz hey why not, spends hours doing hair and loves making others laugh

Sagittarius - Saves every holiday photo, opens doors for people and are the best huggers around

Capricorn - Make loads of music playlists, loves spending time with family and talks in their sleep

Aquarius - Is great with kids and always ends up laughing out loud at internet videos even if they're not funny at all

Pisces - Is passionate about movies and incredibly predictive to the people they care about. Slight obsession with tea

The ZodiacTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon