Bedroom Themes

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You can tell I'm running out of ideas when 'Bedroom Themes' appears :D

Aries - Everything is dark and black

Taurus - There is no theme, it's just a mess

Gemini - Lively and bubbly and full of colour with fandom posters everywhere (yup)

Cancer - Perfectly tidy with fandom posters neatly hung up. Has just as many as Gemini but theirs are actually tidy

Leo - Light colours with fairy lights

Virgo - Pastel Colours

Libra - Messy everywhere except near their laptop and t.v.

Scorpio - Reasonably neat and tidy with space and galaxy stuff everywhere (this is like my sister, except she's a Gemini. Her and her twin are ChocoholicLivAmy. She's the Liv part :D)

Sagittarius - Hangs pictures of friends everywhere

Capricorn - Plain

Aquarius - Blue

Pisces - Underwater themed

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