Part 3

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Kelsey POV

My head pounded, I woke up with a frown on my face. Thoughts from the night before ran threw my mind. Washing my face, I tried as best as I could to cover up my puffy red eyes with makeup. Ignoring the pain that strick from my heart when I thought of Trisha. The familiar smell of some of my moms soul food wafted through my door putting me in a relatively better mood. Sighing I peered at my watch realizing I didn't have time. Time, time, time if I had all the time in the world, I still wouldn't have enough time. I had traded my baggy clothes for a designer suit, and some beige red bottoms. I also wore my hair in a wet and wavy look. It was Friday so I was a professional women by day, but tonight was when all the fun started.

I grabbed my breakfast kissed my mom, and was out the door. Checking my makeup, I knew I had to look flawless for the cameras. As I pulled up to court paparattzi flooded my car.

"Ms.Moore what do you have to say about Mr. Gransen?"

"Ms. Moore what do you have to say about bringing back up old cases from 20 years ago?"

As I made my way to the door I passed Chris Gransen, that sick fucker, I know I was cold blooded but he was so cold you felt the air turn to ice when you were around him. This nigga had kidnapped over 30 blondes, scalped them and put it on his dead lovers head because her hair had "turned gray". This wasn't a really hard case, they had evidence on him, he was never really suspected before because he had crippled himself by cutting one of his viens.

As the jury finished making their decision I stated his charge. "Mr. Gransen you are charged with 3rd degree murder, kidnapping and rape, you are sentenced life in prison with no possible sentence reduction or probation."

Cheers went around as Mr.Gransen was taken away, I got down making my way to my office for a short break until my next case. Being a judge made me see all types of people, it gave me ideas of what to do next, being a killer made it easy when you were on the laws side.

"Ms.Moore the police cheif is here to see you. " The high voice stated as my Secretary buzzed him in. The door opened and shut slowly.

"Hello Mr..." My voice trailed off as I stared in envy at the man in front of me. "Your not the police cheif." I whispered dryly.

"Kelsey!"  The voice I knew all to well, the same voice used when he tried to kill me and ended up in jail for 14 years.

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