Part 13

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Kelsey POV -

I had woken up from yet another nightmare about my daughter. I decided to cool of and get a glass of water. I felt weird my stomach hurt so bad I could hardly walk as I sat up I realized it was wet on the chair I was sitting on.

No it couldnt be I was only 8 months it wasnt time.

"Drewwww!" I yelled I had to sit it was like someone or somethimg was stabbing me. Wanting to get out! Get out of that deep deep hole. This dark place, with its round shape and lack of air. The place was as dark as a sweet blackberry but as warm as a hot day in July. This place of no ones home.

Drew came rushing out seeing my position he knew it was time, he yelled for Naj rushing to get my overnight bag and slides.

" I wish you would hurry up, she coming Drew!" I yelled feeling the stabs.

We had given birth to Harmony Rivera, she was 8 lbs amd she took forever to come out. Every one surrounded me. As I started to feed her Drews mom came in.

"No baby you dont feed her like that, Drew you had a baby with someone who doesnt know how to take care of one!" I shot Drew a look, he quickly hushed his mom taking pictures of his baby.

Harmony was now 7 months she was just eating away. As Drew came in from work Harmony giggled jumping up and down for her dad. He gave a small smile and pushed right past us. Narrowing my eyebrows I detected his pissy attitude. Whats wrong with him?

"Babe you ok?" I looked at him and saw that he was crying. I rushed to call Tanajah to come get Harmony because it was something serious if Drew was crying. After Harmony was gone I went over to Drew and held him, he just kept crying.

"What happened?"

"Babe remember when I said nothing or nobody could take away our love."

"Yea" I looked at him, what was he saying then it came to me, did he cheat on me?

"Well theres this girl and babe she pregnant!" I looked at him and my anger got the best of me and I slapped him.

"How the fuck could you do this Drew," punching him he held my arms to hold me down, "how long you been fucking her?"

"Two years." I felt so betrayed, what we had was nothing to him did he think crying was gonna solve shit.

It was the next morning and I was now rushing to get Harmony ready plus I had last nights events on my mind. As I was about to leave I saw roses all over the living room and "sorry" spelled out in roses. I swept the roses up and thew them in the trash, his sorrys were bullshit to me.  

I was in my office and checked my phone Drew had called my phone too many times. What the fuck did he want, wasnt he busy playing family with his side jawn. I decided to call him, he was still my fiance and the father of my child.

Drew POV

I saw Kelsey was calling back so I quickly answered.

"Hey babe!"

"Nigga what the FUCK DO YOU WANT!" She was snapping, I knew I had hurt her but we really needed to talk.

"Look I know I cheated, but don't talk to me like that!"

"Fuck! You think im scared of you nigga my name was Killer for reason you trying shit now!" I winced at the bitterness in her voice. This was getting no where.

"Look Kelsey shut the fuck up tomorow be ready by 8!" I hung up I didnt need any more of her argueing. 

Kelsey POV

I was ready for whatever Drew had planned I made it simple and wore a high waisted skirt and a see through button up cream lace shirt. 

I wanted to know who this "baby momma" was, or should I say side hoe or lover.  

I walked into the resteraunt me and Drew had our first date at, it was empty so I assumed he had rented it our for the night. As I walked in 3 waiters came my way ushering me to the deck where roses were every where. The deck was right next to the beach it was the perfect romantic date. Except it was nothing romantic about this date, I considered this buisness because I needed to know what was going on and what was left for me. Where would Drew fit into my life after this?

Drew POV

I was nervous. I sat down at the table staring at Kelsey noticing how every time I see her she always gets me with her beauty. Why did I cheat with a 8 when Kelsey was a goddess, she was to have the finest of things and tonight was where that started.

" Who is she." Kelsey went right to buisness the waiters were serving us dinner, so I moitioned Kelsey to just wait a minute.

"So do you remember Shay, one of the girls that worked for you." She ate her shrimp motioning for me to continue.

"It turns out we had dated in college so we decided to meet up for a harmless lunch, then that old feeling started to come back. At that time I did'nt know if we were that serious I figured you were to.busy being Killer!" I glanced at her waiting for a reaction. She looked down at her food, a tear sliding down her face in the process.

"So you cheated on me with a hoe your saying? And you doubted our relationship, 8 years Drew? Do you have feelings for her?"


"Do you have feelings for her?" Kelsey asked quietly wanting to get to the point.

"A little but I've realized I can't have my cake and eat it too, so I broke it off with her." I pleaded with Kelsey, it was a mistake, it shouldnt have happened. I knew Shay was using me for money because whenever we had sex she immediately asked afterwards for money, like I had to pay her for sex.

"Remember when you said we gonna R.O.D until the end, thats what I want for us! Lets make it official."

Kelsey POV

Drew got down on one knee, pulled out the biggest diamond ring I ever laid eyes on.

"Will you marry me?"

I couldnt be mad at him anymore, we would work it out and even though we were'nt married we had said till death do us apart.

"Yes baby!" I jumped into his arms excitedly I was suprised he had proposed again.

But I hope he knew he wasnt off the hook and I needed to talk to this Shay.

As we sat down to dinner Drew's phone rang.

"Hello, yea im busy with my wife." Drew said dryly with no emotion into the phone.

"Shay I dont have time to argue, you knew from the beginning she was here to stay and you could never replace her!"

"I swear you kill my mother fucking baby ill KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!"

I got up took the phone from Drew, he needed to calm down. I knew Shay like the back of my hand she wouldnt do it, she knew Drew had connections, and could get her killed right away.

I looked at Drew and grabbed his hand.

Shay was playing with fire.

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