Part 7

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Kelsey POV

It was sunday morning, realizing I haven't talked to my daughter in three days I finally decided to have a talk with her. Walking into the warm hallway my body was sore and eyes strained from crying all night a slight pounding caused me to want to crawl back into my warm toasty bed. Leaning against the tall frame of the doorway, I thought I heard yelling. Quickly rushing in, I sighed realizing it was only my mom.

" Look mommom I love you, but don't tell me what THE FUCK TO DO I'll go where ever I want."

I know she wasn't talking to my mom like that!  I didn't raise her like this! Charging into her room I slickly punched her in her mouth.


I barked at her noticing my moms ruffled demeanor, ignoring the tears that rolled down my daughter's face my chest heaved quickly up and down. I quickly stomped down to the living room, it took me awhile to recollect myself.

"What was that and where are you going!" I questioned her, staring into her deep brown eyes, which showed fear.

"No I just came back," Trish stuttered, her answers were very sketchy as if she didn't want to reveal to much.

"From where?" I toward over her, causing her to be pinned down to the cream colored couch.

" I really don't have to tell you-"

" Go pack your shit your not staying here anymore."

She looked at me like I was crazy, I was tired of this spoiled rich girl act, realizing I couldn't deal with her I decided to let the elders deal with it. Being rich had caused her to think she could do whatever she wanted, the hood with her Aunt Tyra would snap her out of this lavishing lifestyle.

"But...but mom you can't do that, where will I stay?"

"Dont worry about it!" I gave her a short reply.

The next day we were headed to my Aunts house, Trisha was in the back wiping her eyes while my mom reassured me this was the right decision.

Trisha POV

As my mom drove us to my Aunts house I realized that the outside was turning from mansions to plain houses to boarded houses and crack heads that walked the street. I didn't want to be here, my Mom-mom and Aunt both were strict people I wouldn't be able to go any where or see anyone unless I was with them plus I had gotten my Iphone taken so communication with anyone was cut off.

As we pulled up and got inside Aunty Tyra greeted everyone with a smile- but me. I looked around at the stuffy house, with its old furniture. Also I realized there was no TV anywhere. I was locked in a hell hole.

Kelsey POV

After dropping off my daughter I got ready for my date with Drew I had called up my girls for help.

" I don't know, wear something cream with a gold tint to it." Tanajha suggested I looked into my huge closet and pulled out a dress I brought a while ago but never got to wear. I tried it on it had a glow to it and brung out my skin tone.

" Ok ok I see you." Tianda beamed at me. " Im so excited."

"Nigga its not even your date!"

"I know but...your so happy so of course I have to be excited with you!" Tianda laughed and went to to snoop through my jewlrey. Tanajha then did my hair in a braided bun and threw me my nude heels when I heard beeping outside. It was 9 and I was ready I rushed out grabbing the ring and putting it on my finger I wanted it there forever.

Unknown POV

That run last night was good we had checked the cameras and saw that Shay and Lanie were working magic on these niggas with their mouth.

"Give us the fucking money!"

We had done this many times before, Shay and Lanie screamed as if they were innocent and coward in fear. Boe and Ace pleaded not to be killed, but man orders were orders we shot them between their eyes and got the money and was out as we ran out I noticed Q and Ti were going around stealing extra stuff such as sneakers and chains. Like killer said if we werent out that means we were fucking around so the girls, five of the guys and myself was out as we heard police sirens we looked at each other and knew for sure they had got caught. Every man for themselves.

Kelsey POV

I got into the car, I had to admit I was nervous I decided to tell him the news. This was big news life changing news. See me and Drew had been together for 8 years this was big for us I couldn't let him or I being in the game ruin what I had. I had made a decision to let my cousin Bri run the buisness for me our deal was she would take over but, 50% of profits still came my way. She wasn't young like me she was in her 30's but wasn't new to the game. She had her own throne but was betrayed by her crew so this wasn't nothing new.

I had gotten out of my deep thoughts as we pulled up to Drews place the driver then led me to the roof where Drew was waiting.

Drew POV

Damn she looked good I didn't have an appetite for food anymore, I just wanted to taste her. This had been a couple rocky years but we were meant to be, atleast thats what I thought. I had finally decided to make her mine and she hit me with some bull shit yesterday. I was actually nervous of what her decision was until she sat down and I saw that ring on he finger.

" Hey baby!" I looked at her excitedly, 8 years man I've been waiting!

"Look babe before you say anything I want you to know that..." Kelsey had paused as if she was hiding something.

"Babe im pregnant!"

Trisha POV

I hated it here I was given a list of chores, the only chores I had at home were washing dishes, and keeping my room and bathroom clean. As I laid on this rock hard bed I cried,  missing my flat screen, soft mattress and my own bathroom. I was also missing my mom, then I remembered my dad.

"Daddy can I stay with you please I'll explain later!"

Kelsey POV

I finally told him, I had just found out, but me not seeing him caused me not being able to tell him. At first Drew looked shooked then he put on his bright smile.

"A baby... I hope its a girl, why didn't you tell me?"

" I didnt have time we were always arguing." I blurted out.

" Well I hope you know the life of the game is over for you!"

" I already got that game plan on check babe!"

Trisha POV

I was finally away from that house and staying with my dad, we started talking getting to know each other and in alot of ways we were, alike. I was now in my new room which looked like a room for royalty. Splashing in the steaming hot water I loved this bubble bath, getting ready for a party I spurged at how perfect ny dad was! Was it a coincidence my dad live next door to my friend Dannie, I think not. I was ready, so I decided to grab a snack when I heard voices from the kitchen I peeked around the corner to see my dad sniffing white stuff through his nose from a tube. I just realized he was doimg crack I decided this was a good time to leave, I headed toward the door.


" Um dad I'm just going to stay the night at Dannie's remember?" I was beyond scared and furious, who was this man to call me out of my name!

"Get back in that fucking room!" He growled I could see sweat gathering on his forehead as he glared at me!"

"But you said-"

He reached over punched me in my face I felt warm blood spill on my hand then I saw darkness...

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