Part 27

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Tyrone POV

Smiling I got off that bus after the long ride. I had my money in my bags and I was ready to start a new life. From this point on I had no family, no past. My new name was Rodney Fisher. I chuckled, Rodney? I couldn't even come up with a better name. First thing was I needed to find a place to stay, I retired in one of the local hotels for now.

"Die, die nigga!" I woke up in cold sweats I quickly rushed into the bathroom taking out a small baggie of coke. I only wanted one hit, man I needed it more than anyone else. I chopped it with my little knife and sniffed the powder sumbstance up into my nose. I leaned back into the door as everything went away.

Unknown POV

I watched as that crackhead nigga sniffed his coke. I rolled my eyes, I wanted out of Houston soon.

"Hey baby girl!" I excitedly laughed into the phone as Carlie answered

"DADDIEEEE! I miss you when are you coming back?" I laughed.

"In a week baby, I have to work." I smiled as she sighed. As soon as I got this 1 million I was headed out of Atlanta with my baby girl and my wife Chanel straight to New Orleans with my family. I couldnt take this fast life anymore. I had 5 million saved up, plus buisness's around the country, so me and mines was set for life. I had a will drawn up already, because with my job I could die at any moment. I wasnt leaving my daughter and wife broke, homeless. I hung up with Carlie, I set out the poison I was going to slip in Tyrones food tomorrow. A slow, painful death, thats what they had ordered. This poison ate you from the inside out, he would be dead in an hour. I smoked on my black and mild, protecting the poison. I needed this, my life depended on this money. Every man for himself.

~Next morning~

I got up early the next morning dressing as a hotel waiter, I watch this kid all morning. He just ordered breakfast. He was a criminal? Shit he wasnt a smart one. No criminal orders room service, or shows his real face in public. I knew before hand, I booked everything secretly.

Makeing my way into the resteraunts kitchen I heard Tyrones room number being called out.

"104, where da fock is de waiter!" A deep heavy accented Italian voice yelled out. I quickly rushed and took the plate.

"Obout Time!" I rolled my eyes and strolled casually up the stairs. I knew there were cameras everywhere, so I knocked on his door. I had to be careful.

"Come in!" I rushed in to see him reading a news paper I rubbed my beard on my face and observed him. He aint look like no criminal, not someone who would kill his daughter and then run! Crazy nigga. I needed this poision in his tea, it looked like sugar so he wouldn't have a clue. Everything thats sweet always has a bitter side to it. If he says no, then my plan fails, King kilks me and my daughter is fatherless.

"Would you like sugar in your tea?" I strode over to the other side of the cart, putting his last meal on the table.

Eat up nigga.

"No Im fine." My face dropped, I was fucked now! How was I going to kill him? I stood there for a good minute. I took stock strides to the door, obviously pissed. All this time for nothing!

"As a matter of fact yes please." I quicky strode over and ripped open the packet I disguised as sugar. I smiled widely.

I watched as he drunk the whole cup in one gulp. I smiled widely, my plan worked. I now disguised the scene as suicide. I walked out happy and into my room. I packed my stuff, I had a bus in 30 min. I knew in the 11 hrs I returned home. Headlines would say:

"Criminal Commits Suicide!"

Tyrone POV

I couldnt eat anything, my tounge had swollen, it was throbbing as if it had a heartbeat! And the worst thing about it is that I can't see a doctor because I would be locked up on the spot. I laid on my bed as my stomach churned, I felt like parisites were eating me alive! I lit a joint I had rolled last night.

"Ughh!" I moaned in pain as I tried to rollover. I knew this was my last one. I knew, just had a gut feeling that I was dieing tonight. I rang for room service, I went to the local bank across the street. I had them transfer all the money I had in my moms bank account.

"Sir it will reach Atlanta in 72 hours."

I wrote my mom a letter as I limped in pain to the mailbox next to the hotel.

"Mamma, I love you, Im dieing. When you get this Ill be dead. I had a choice to live or die and I took death.

Tell Kelsey, I never meant to hurt her.

Tell everyone I love them.

I always wanted to take care of you, in your bank account is some money I transferred over. Have fun, treat youself. Youve worked so hard to raise me and I screwed it up.

Please dont hate me.

Pray for me, hopefull Ill make it into heaven.

Love Tyrone xoxoxo"

He was sent to kill me. I could tell, I knew he was going to poison me, but I told myself,

"Dont judge him maybe he does work here!"

"Everbody isnt a killer like you Tyrone." A tear slid down my faces as I looked at all Trishas pictures I had been sent in jail. Everday I would show off, "THIS MY BABYGIRL!" I would excitedly yell. Not anymore, I killed her! I didn't even realize I killed her, I was so high. I smoked my last joint numbing my pain. I felt my soul detach from my body. I prayed a silent prayer, asking for forgiveness from everyone. If I could do my life all over again, it would be diffrent. I watched as my body laid lifelessly on the bed.

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