Part 30

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Tanajha POV

He took it from me.

Should I call this rape.

Consensual sex?

It hurt.

Made everything feel like shit.

Made me feel like shit.

While he moaned.

And groaned.

I rolled over, pulling down the wedding dress. I looked at Chris sleep, I remember I used to see love, my baby, but now I saw a monster. My head snapped towards the door as I heard my ringtone go off, not loud but faintly. I got up and quietly rushed into the other room where my dress, phone, heels, laid in my purse. This was my chance, to leave, get out of here! I grabbed my bag and rushed out, the door! It was open.

"So you just gonna leave?"

Narrator POV

The men in black suits immediately got back into their car, it was obvious their job was done. The cops arrived very soon after the death of Chantal and Tye Rain.

"Sir the young man died immediately, appears to have a shot to his face, the bullet went straight through his head, causeing his brain to shut down." The detective listened to the forensic give him a breif tale of what happened.

"And sir same with the young lady,except she was shot in the back of her head." He rubbed his beard and wrote down notes. He was thinking.

Appears that this killing was planned, whoever shot them knew that they would be on this highway. Seems as if they were followed, the tire skids not to far away from the car were those of a Hummer. The team had been down here all day now.

"Alright team, time to go!" He yelled giving orders. He thought about the killer. Or should he say killers? One man couldnt do this alone. The bullets that laid around were from 3 diffrent guns. Two trailed from the crashed car and the other one from a diffrent direction until both guns seemed to come together.

"Sir we need you over here!" The detective groaned and looked at his watch. 1:30, he made his way over to the crashed car.

"Sir she was hiding under the seat, saying 'can I come out now', apparently her parents made it into a game so she wouldn't panic! What are we going to do with-" The detective held up his hand silencing the lanky new comer, she was brown skinned with preety hazel eyes, her parents seemed to know this was going to happen because she had suitcase with her.

"I want mommy and daddy!" The little girl cried, looking around at all the men and woman surrounding her.

"Aye move your scareing her, Look baby we'll go see mommy soon okay?" The detective took ahold of her hand. His pale hand against her cocoa colored hand made her feel safe, she took ahold of his hand and followed him.

2 weeks later

"Did you call the family?"

"Yes sir, none of then want to take her."

The detective sighed and wiped his forehead, this was the difficult part of his job. Dealing with kids, they always had a soft spot in his heart. He ended up taking, Carlie home, not wanting to send her to a foster home. He looked over at Carlie playing with her dollies.

"Where will she go then?" He thought aloud.

"Sir, theres always foster homes!" He rolled his eyes and shook his head at his young assistant, kings never had the love they had at home in foster homes. It was bad enough she lost both of her parents.

"I can go with my Uncle King!" Both of their heads snapped towards Carlie's direction as she continued to play with her dolls. "My daddy always said 'if anything happens call Uncle King! And something happened!"

"Carlie do you know his number?" The detective asked frantically, this was his last chance!

"Daddy said his number is on my dollies head see?" She ran over to the detective showing him the number which he immediatley dialed.

"Yes, is this King, Carlies uncle?"

"Yes we have her here, all you need to do is sign some papers and show ID, do a back ground check and once you take her file for custody within the courts!"

As he hung up he called his partner. "Langston do a background check on King Peterson!"

"All ready done sir, his record is clean, he lives in the high class suburbans, Paces Ferry Road, sir. Very rich people live there, in the Atlanta area! " Well this was it then, I had gotten the ok from Carlies Uncle to drop off Carlie tonight, all he had to do was file for custody and he was good.

"Carlie your going to see Uncle King!"

Kelsey POV

I kept calling Naj it had been 2 days and I was starting to get worried. We usually talked everyday. Ever since Tyrone died my soul has been at peace and me and my family were happy. I watched as my 3 babies slept, they had fell asleep on me during our movie night. Drew, Harmony, and Drew Jr. even though he wasnt mine. I felt like everything was right, like he was meant to be mine. Gently getting off the bed, I chuckled at how both kids were latched onto Drew. I made my way to our balconie. It was night so the air was cool. I sipped my coffee and went through papers I had for my next trial. I suddenly noticed how good the view was. I felt settled as I looked out at the city. The bright lights called my name. I decided that the lights weren't loud enough.

"You coming back to bed baby?" I went back inside and cuddeled with my family. Kissing Drew he opened his eyes againg and wrapped his arms around me. Family? Yea that sounded just about right.

Tanajha POV

I gripped the broken piece of glass in my hand, not turning around I answered Chris.

"Yes, Im leaving you can't make me stay!" I heard heavy breathing, turning just in time to see Chris charging towards me. I closed my eyes tightly preparing for the blow. I heard Chris groan but nothing ever hit me. I checked myself before opening my eyes, to see if I was ok. Opening my eyes I gasped and staggered back.

I. Killed. Him.

I killed him. At first I rejoiced and then broke down crying, after all he just put me through I still loved him. Was it crazy for me to love him? Why? I dont know, my words and actions rejected him, but my heart accepted every inch of him even after all this. I watched as blood poured out his mouth and Chris gasped for air. I blew him a kiss, throwing off the ugly blood covered wedding dress, I put back on my peach dress somewhat looking decent. I didn't know where I was going so I walked down the road we came from. The sun burned my eyes as I steped out into the sunlight.

"NAJ, WHAT HAPPENED WHERE ARE YOU!" Kelsey yelled into the phone, I limped down the long dusty road until I saw a street sign.

"Kelsey, I need you, please come get me!" I wailed into the phone. "Im on a road that says Raymond and Browning Road, the zip code here is 000065 (made it up, lol). I weeped as Kelesy made her way to come get me. Leaning on the sign I slid down and layed on the dusty road.

I felt a pair of hand gently drags me into a car. I couldnt really see because my eyes were swollen. A soft hand grabbed my face and hugged me.


"Yea its me Naj." She was crying, I was crying so we cried together.

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