Chapter 2

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"Esoesa- so that's what it's called." Mikayla and Ray were walking around the outskirts of the city.

"That's right. 'Eso' means energy," Ray explained, "and 'Esa' means spirit or spiritual. This 'Spirit Energy' is the one thing that separates the Mekai from other human beings- the ability to manipulate and tap into it."

"Now it makes sense how you're able to do the things that you do," Kayla said.

For the past two weeks, Ray and Kayla had been getting to know one another better. The pair had formed a friendship, nearly as strong as that Ray shared with his fellow friends. Ever since saving Central Kingdom, Kayla had been fascinated with the Mekai and wanted to learn all there was to know- that which could be shared, of course.

Kayla looked up to the sky as they walked. "So tell me- is there a reserve for your spirit energy? Is there a source?"

"Actually, a Mekai's whole body is the reserve for the spirit energy," Ray answered. "The power comes from our spiritual selves within the body- it's with us from the day we're born until the day we die."

"It doesn't ever run out? During your battles, I mean."

Ray smiled. "No. A Mekai's spiritual energy is infinite. Using spirit energy is physically taxing though. Our bodies may become fatigued from using it, but we never run out."

"Interesting," Kayla said. "How did you not get tired from your fight with Radcliffe?"

"That's a good question!" Ray said, with a laugh.

"A Mekai who travelled the world at such a young age," Kayla sighed. "While I'm twisting my sister's hair and imagining the world outside of the United Kingdoms, you were actually living it."

Ray smiled again. "Well, I wish I could say it was a vacation. Everywhere I went, I was battling some kind of evil. Either there were domestic troubles or I was battling with Ren's demons."

"He's really your sworn enemy in every way, isn't he?" Kayla asked, concerned. They walked a little further as she thought about how to phrase her next question.

"When you said you would kill Radcliffe that day- did you mean it?"

"Well...," Ray said, scratching his head. "I may have been bluffing. If he forced my hand- I don't know what I would have done."

"I knew it!" Kayla said, teasingly. "You don't seem to be the type to kill anyone. I could tell that about you." Then, she spoke on a more solemn note.

"How then- how will you break the curse? You said in order to end it you had to- if you aren't the type of person to do that, how will you break the curse?"

Ray stared off into space and sighed. "I've been asking myself the same question every day, for the past three years."

Ray and Kayla's walk led them back to the castle. "When I was taught the Arts, my Sifu- my teacher- taught me that human life is not something meant to be taken so lightly. I was taught that I should only take a man's life as a last resort...

"I despise Ren more than anyone and I hate the things he's done, what he's done to me. But anytime I face him, every time I think I'm ready to go through with it, I just can't bring myself to do it."

"So, when you finally get the chance to settle things with him, what are you going to do?" Kayla asked.

"I don't know," Ray relented. "My whole life has been to kill demons and subdue my human enemies. If there was some way that I could stop Ren and rid myself of this curse without killing him, I would happily take that route."

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