Chapter 4

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The Calm Before the Storm

As John exited his room, he tried think: it was an hour after the training exercise and he was in the middle of meditating when Yang pounded on his door. When John answered, the demon told to be in the Celestials' meeting room in an hour.

John walked down the corridor from his room and moved downstairs. The "meeting room" was in the castle directly behind the throne room that Ray designated as an official meeting place for Celestial affairs. He opened the door and Jerry and Yin were sitting inside. Yin was meditating, herself, and Jerry just sat and admired her from a distance. He's hopeless, John thought to himself.

"So I take it you heard from Yang as well?" John asked the pair. Yin opened her eyes and blushed when she met Jerry's.

"Yes," she said, looking away towards John. "Although I have no idea what this meeting is about. My brother was very secretive."

"I'll tell you exactly what this meeting is about," said Yang's voice. John didn't hear him walk up behind him, but Yang came in and closed the door. He walked into the middle of the room and said, "We need to talk."

No one said a mumbling word, so he continued: "What happened today- I realize, now, I'm partly to blame."

"Partly?" said John, speaking first. "You basically tried to take it all on by yourself and failed."

"Ray was right. You didn't trust us, Brother," said Yin.

"It was as though you were on a one-man team and were just using us," Jerry added.

"I know I messed up, okay?" Yang interceded. "I know. My pride got in the way. I— couldn't see what was important before..."

"Yang..." Yin said, comforting.

"He got to you, didn't he?" John didn't push for a response.

".... Yeah, he did," Yang admitted. "Ever since the training, I've been mentally blaming you- all of you. Then his words- his words cut deep into me. He made me look inside myself.

"I'm a mess, I know. That's what he showed me. I want so badly to say it's because of Ren, but it's my own drive for revenge that warrants me."

"Yang, friend, that's why we're here," Jerry said. "Remember you were the one who came to us, back in Southern Kingdom, when you realized you couldn't take Ren on your own. So you've got to stop treating us like we're your henchmen. You're no better than Ren when you do."

Jerry's words hit hard. But, they weren't anything Yang hadn't already told himself.

"I realize, now, that the team is here to help me shoulder my burden. And that's why I called you all here. It's time to put all our cards on the table."

John raised an eyebrow. "I'm in," he said, gladly. "And I'll start: inside my robe, there's a little book of spells. The book contains all manner of spells of every level that I have yet to use in battle."

"Do you think you could look over the spell book and see what you could do with it? In battle, I mean," Yang asked.

"Absolutely," said John.

"I guess it's my turn now," Jerry chimed in. "Not only do I have a magic hatchet that always returns to me, but I also have a magic shield."

"What does your shield do, exactly?" Yin asked.

"Oh- uh- well, it basically blocks everything," he said, blushing. "My shield can also grow in size and deflect any attack with twice the power."

"I've got to hand it to ya," Yang said, gleefully. "That is pretty awesome. Who knows- you could maybe even impress Yin with that."

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