Chapter 12

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The Key to Light

Ren had been silenced. Oblivionites steadily rose to the surface. Jerry, John, and Yin fought bravely to hold them back. And Pterrol panicked.

"MASTER!" he squealed. He ran to his master's side as fast as his stubby little legs could carry him.

"Should we finish that pitiful thing off?" Yang asked, coldly. "I never liked him."

Ray countered with, "Let him go. He's harmless, plus it would be a waste of energy."

Yang sighed. "You're right- he's not worth it. Can you still fight?"

Ray shot a sword blast at some incoming Oblivionites, smirking. "Then let's go," said Yang. More Oblivionites fell back from their combined strength and then the Celestials all reunited. The more Oblivionites fell back, more marched on, and their might began to bear down on the team.

"There are too many of them!" said Yin.

"They're going for a full-on press! It's like they are trying to plow right through us!" Yang observed.

"I don't think we can hold this up for much longer," Ren added.

"You're right," Ray said. "I'm going to end this, now."

He fought his way around the preoccupied Oblivionites and ran to the location where Oblivius first surfaced, which happened to be the largest fissure. The Teketsu shone as he drew near and all Oblivionites near him backed away. Ray closed his eyes and reflected on what his father taught him about Oblivion.

"Ray." He could hear his father's voice as though he was standing there. "On your journey, you may have to face the Gates of Oblivion. But, you hold in your hand something of even greater power. You wield the key- the one key to seal away that hellish pit."

Ray stuck the sword inside the pit and, shining, it hovered in place. He stretched forth his right hand to the sword, palm wide open, and brought his left hand across his chest, holding his index and middle fingers together and upright.

"If you should ever find yourself face-to-face with this great evil, place the key inside, take this formation, and repeat these words..."

Now! Ray thought. Then he recited:

"O Zoksun Lom, hay syn eir; op Got sulé Obi! Rep oor ame, a iso wo eir omn, sul Teketsu wo Gut sulo opi É!"

"O Lord Zoksun, hear my cry; close these Oblivion Gates! By your Name, and with all my might, I seal this Portal with the Key to Light!"

A radiant beam of light shot from the Teketsu's edge and pierced through the pit. The fires from Oblivion changed color to match the golden light and, like a tornado, the pit began to pull in all of the Oblivionites. The creatures tried to fight against the current, but the pull was too strong. And after all the Oblivionites had been completely put away, the flames retracted and the ground closed up, as though Oblivion never opened.

Ren collapsed and Ren took a knee. "This is not how I planned for tonight to end," the latter gasped.

"Join the club," said Yang, hunched over and catching his breath.

"Here's another victory for the Celestials!" Yin said, happily.

Ray took a deep breath and picked up his sword. Thank you, Father, he thought. And you wondered whether or not I ever paid attention to you. He laughed from within and made up his mind to join his friends in celebration when a loud "Annihilus!" rang. Ray just did have time to spin around and block an instant death with his sword.

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