Chapter 8

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The Tempest: Part II

Lightning broke for Yin and Ray, once again, ran interference. "I wonder what will happen first: will I kill Yin or will you die trying to save her from me?" Lightning asked, in a sinister tone.

"No! No one is dying today!" Yin shouted. She attempted to hit Lightning with water whips while he set all of his attention on Ray. He managed to dodge Yin's attacks while fighting Ray all at once- an incredible feat within itself.

Meanwhile, Thunder and Yang were in the heat of battle. Yang cloaked his fists with fire In order to defend against Thunder's gauntlets. They were locked in an intense fist fight. Flaming fists and gauntlets pounded away at whatever they could reach: jaws, cheeks, stomachs, and chests.

"This either ends with your death or mine!" Thunder hissed, hitting Yang with a right jab.

"That's fine with me- the first to drop loses anyway!" Yang shot back, with an uppercut. Thunder caught Yang with a Thunder Fist in the jaw, making him hit the ground and tumble a bit.

"How long do you think you can keep this up?" Thunder mocked. "A flesh-and-bone creature like you can't possibly keep-!"

Yang sprang up and forced a rendition of his Fire Wall, except with pure lightning. Thunder was too close for it to miss- Yang was going to end him. Or so he thought. Thunder punched forward with a Thunder Burst, which dissipated the fire and blasted Yang. Damn, that was supposed to connect!

"Don't you see now, fool?" Thunder grabbed Yang by the hair and socked him, sending him tumbling again. "With my gauntlets, I can use my power to dispel your attacks. Even if you could muster Hell-fire, you can't touch me with none but your fists!"

"We'll see about that," Yang challenged. He summoned fire solders and Thunder blew them away with another Thunder Clap. Yang took the initiative to engage Thunder with his flaming fists, again, while throwing in a lightning blast here and there.

On the other side, Lightning was easily holding fast against Ray and Yin. From Jerry, John, and Kayla's point of view, it could be said Lightning was gaining the edge. Lightning was just too fast for Yin to keep up and Ray was taking quite the beating defending her from his attacks, all while fighting himself.

At this rate, we'll never get him, Ray concluded. Lightning dodged another water attack and he analyzed the ground. Just as he planned, the grass surrounding Ray and Yin was damp from Yin's techniques. He allowed himself to be forced to the ground and feigned being down for the count.

"Is it over?" Yin asked, anticipating.

"For you!" Lightning screamed. With a smile, he slapped the ground and used lightning to cover all the wet grass. Neither Ray nor Yin had time to react and were both electrocuted. Yin was immediately rendered unconscious.

In the same moment, a double Thunder Punch to the chest and another to his face caused Yang to lose his consciousness. Now, only Ray remained.

"And then there was one," Lightning chastised, as Ray picked himself up.

Ray took a moment to look around and view his situation. Two comrades down. Two others busy guarding Kayla. Two lustful demons prepared to kill him. He could probably hold his own against Lightning, sure, but both Thunder Bros. may be entirely too much. They're coming either way, he thought. It doesn't matter how bad the situation is- I MUST protect my friends- even if it kills me!

"Let's finish this," Lightning commanded when Thunder joined his side. They charged at once, alternating sides. As Ray looked into their faces, with those devilish grins, he took his fighting stance and prepared for the possible worst.

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