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A month of being uncomfortable, why? Because Nicola can never sleep in the room I gave her. It's her own room away from home and she's never in there. All of her clothes stay in my closet in a pink suitcase and her head is always on my arm, so it is physically impossible to move.

So I just lay here, looking at the white ceiling as the sunshine begins to step inside. I want to close the curtains before it shines on our faces but maybe that will wake her up.

It's 6:37 in the morning.

I wonder what life has in store for me today. Luckily I have my phone in reaching distance and I claw at it until it falls smacks onto the wooden floor.


"Stop using naughty words"

Then just like that she's back to sleep, I'm not sure if I can even feel my arm at this moment and I'm just happy to have the left one free so my hand can now claw at the remote for the television sitting on the glass night table.

Successfully grabbing it, I press the soft red power button to turn it on then I proceed to flip through the channels.

"Turn on cartoons"

"Get off of my arm"

Nicola rolls off of me not before reaching her hand out to pinch my nose and I kick her off of the bed, her ginger hair is covering her face as she puckers her lips to blow some of it away.

"I'm going to get a glass of water I will be back to claim my spot Kimberley"

Nicola marches out as I wiggle my arm around and see what the best of television has to offer.

"Is that Maury I love him! And all the dramatic idiots on there"

She never gets the drink upon hearing the television.

I settle for Maury, Nicola bouncing around as she patiently awaits for the paternity tests to be revealed for two young men who certainly don't want to be fathers and truly aren't fit to be.



There's a smirk on her face, I don't want any part of it.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

I look around as if I'm confused, I wouldn't necessarily acknowledge Brayden as my girlfriend rather someone who consoles me when I have a rough day. She literally is just a friend who spends more time with me than her own boyfriend.

"No Brayden is not. She's in a relationship." I say before my eyes look at the photo album.

"So, what are we doing today? Can Brayden come?"

I jump on the bed and start wrestling her, managing to make her fall off once more and the remote along with her as she changed the channel to news. And news in Miami was your local news of course and a lot of celebrity gossip only because the weather is the same all year round.

"Matt Damon and Ben Affleck spotted at Cheeseburger Baby..well getting cheeseburgers"

I turn off the television almost the same time someone comes into my home in which Nic is startled but it is only Brayden.

She walks through the open door already happy to see that I am and wide awake.

"Hey guys, breakfast?" Brayden holds up a brown paper bag that was greasy at the bottom.

"Of course" Nicola nearly screams as she takes the bag and goes out first.

"Well good morning to you too" Brayden is quick to go in for the hug which I don't hesitate to give back and I can't help but smell the new perfume she's wearing, it's sticky and sweet.

PhotographTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon