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I just want to say, thanks for reading this story guys. I didn't think that it would be so well received so fast anyway. So enjoy it xx

"Do you remember this?"

I look at Sally hold up a photo of me when I was younger, I'm visibly upset because I lost the spelling bee because I spelled color without the u.

"Yeah they conned me"

"It's spelled with a u"

"It's not."

"You were born here. Why would you betray your country by spelling it without a u?"

"I was four. And Dad said its without a u"

Sally and I exchange a laugh but I'm upset about it just a little. Even though it was so long ago and it virtually meant nothing. But I could've had a blue first place ribbon and not the second place one.

My mother walks into the living room, instantly smiling when she sees her pouty face daughter holding up her ribbon in the photo.

"I remember this. You were massively upset"

My mother probably remembers putting the pigtails in my chestnut hair and kissing the top of my forehead before she pulled that pink jumper over my head.

"And I went to take you all for some ice cream-"

"And Adam spilled strawberry ice cream all over his navy blue vest"

We all started laughing again as we started to go through more photos. But then I stop it all because I don't want to see any photos of Cheryl and I, because I know there are tons here.

I've been here for a solid two weeks and so far I don't need anything bringing me back to sulk over her.

"Will you two go to the bakery?" My mother shoves her hands in her pockets before she pulls out colorful paper and tells Sally what she wants.

It's July and the weather is not blazing hot like it is in Miami. Right now it would be around eighty four degrees there or 28 degrees Celsius. But here it was only 19 and I can't ask for a better summer weather.

Bracing myself for the cameras, I tie my white strings on my gray sweatpants and slide my arm through the space between Sally's left arm and her side as we proceed to walk out.

"It's nine in the morning" Placing my head on her shoulder I listen to her sigh.

"What happened?"

"Not a thi-"

"No you're upset, something has taken over you."

"Nothing happened. The difference in weather has depressed me severely into happiness"

We stop walking so I can look at her eyebrows furrow and she begins talking again as the gray clouds stay spaced apart in the sky.

"Tell me"


Sally mouths fine before she pulls out the money and places it in my hand. She sits down on one of the beige chairs as I walk up to the counter and get some bread and some cake because it looks appetizing.

My eyes stare at all the cakes because it's nine in the morning and I'm never opposed to eating a load of sweets. They just appear so good, from all the different icings, all the fruit, strawberries and such. Oh I'm glad I came out of the house.

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