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So also as I usually do, I want to thank you guys for reading the story. It really means a lot this time around because I didn't know if I wanted to write anymore. Alright enough about me :) Intense right right? It's been like a brutal truth revelation between the two of them and that sucks :/  But on the flip side, new update :)) Anyway guys enjoy xx


My nose twitches but my eyes stay closed. I write off my name being called as a part of my dream.


Maybe it's not.


My eyes flutter open and try to adjust to the vast amount of sunshine in this room, my bedroom,  before they look up at Brayden hovering over me.

I remember last night I dragged a chair up the stairs from the living room,  so I can sit and watch her sleep as I ponder on my own thoughts on why we are such a mess.

"Why are you not in your bed?"

Brayden's eyes look a little dark today. The vibrant gold and green contraption that swirls around usually in her eyes was instead replaced by a high tolerance of hazel. Maybe it was because she wasn't standing in the light but rather with her back turned to it.

"Because I was watching Cheryl sleep"

"Did you guys get into a fight?"

My lips separate but nothing comes out. I'm confused because I'm not really sure if that can be classified as a fight or not. It wasn't a disagreement or an argument it was just a dialogue. One that was kind of twisted.


"I'm not sure actually"

"Well she's not here. She wasn't here when I came this morning but she ate because there's a bubblegum pink plate in the sink"

Nice investigating.

"She probably left"

"She didn't leave you"


I let Brayden pull me out of the chair before I stretch, feeling the pain of sitting upright for nearly nine hours attack all of my muscles. She steps out as I continue to stretch, looking around my room for an idea or lead for where she left off to.

My eyes find a Polaroid face down on her navy pillow and I walk over to it and pick it up. It's a photo of her and I on my sixteenth birthday. I was grounded that day because I had skipped school but Cheryl snuck in my room to throw me a birthday party. One we later got caught for and my punishment was extended three lifetimes.

The smiles were large and the flash nearly blinded the both of us but looking back on it, I can still feel every part of that moment captured in this photograph.

Maybe it was a clue. My birthday is tomorrow.

I stay still as I listen to the front door downstairs open them click close before footsteps begin to tread up the stairs and Brayden walks in.

"I left something in my car. Come on let's eat something"

Following her down the stairs, the photo is now stuffed in my pocket as I try to engage in conversation with my best friend but my mind is on Cheryl and her whereabouts as well as our whereabouts.

Where do we stand?

Am I not the one she thought I was going to be?

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