Reunite ||18

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So this is like a filler. It's probably lame but it's just a filler for an intense couple of chapters that are next. Everything and everything that will happen is for a reason. Enjoy as always everyone. Xx

"Hey mom"

"Yeah Cheryl is getting on my nerves-but I want her to that way I know she loves me"

"No our way of love is not weird"

"I'm positive. This is how the youths love each other mom stop being jealous"

"Mom, I'm not sure"

I sit down outside on my healthy green lawn, pulling blades out of the ground as I stare at Brayden and Cheryl ride bicycles around the Cul de sac that my house is apart of. Only five houses, all old couples, no little children, except Cheryl and Brayden.

"What do you mean you don't want to marry her?"

"That's not what I said mom, I said I'm not sure when I want to"

"You better, we didn't go through all of this for no reason at all"

"Bye mom"

"Don't hang up-imagine if you guys get married wouldn't life be wonderful?"

I begin to think of all of the memories, the happy ones Cheryl and I have shared. But I do try to keep the horrible ones at bay.

"Is that all you want this conversation to be about?"

"No, we want to come visit-Christmas"

Next week is my birthday, then a few more weeks is Christmas, they'll probably stay for the new year celebration afterwards as its only a week.

"Why can't we have a Christmas where I can have all of my family? All of you and-"

"Not your father-"


My mother leaves the conversation only for ten seconds, enough time to look at the sun's rays bouncing off of Cheryl's shoulders that are covered by her mauve colored shirt, illuminating her face and her huge smile.

Who knew that riding a bike would make her so happy? Especially after we had an argument over her wearing a helmet, then finally settling on a red helmet with black spots like a ladybug.

Somehow, I don't remember buying that helmet as all of mine are solid colors. And that I'm seriously not interested in lady bugs.

"Fine, for you."

"This year it's like it's all about reuniting. I'm acting again, Cheryl and I are back together, and my family could come together for a week or so for a holiday. Besides when is the last time anyone has seen Holden, he is their family too"

"And you all can stay at my home, it's big enough not to run into my father or my step-mother."

"Alright you're right. We are a connected family"

I end the call with her, laying back on the grass so I can study the fluffy clouds that slowly pass by in asymmetrical shapes and I can't bare to begin picking out what animals they appear to be to me.

It's nice to have family around. Unlike my mother's this has been, a thought in the back of my father's head for a long time. He has been trying since we've moved to America to organize this, but she shut him down every time. But it didn't stop him.

Every two months we flew over there to England- in fact it's odd but he's in more pictures than my mother is with my siblings. He went to a lot of events, so oddly enough he was very present in everyone's lives.

The metal bikes crash into the ground before I hear many footsteps and giggles.

"Hey, babe what are you doing?"

Using my elbows, I push myself up to see Cheryl and Brayden both staring at me, both trying to keep straight faces.

"I'm just thinking"

"Well, Cheryl and I are going to get ice cream-"


I dig my hand into my jean pocket to toss my keys to some car so they can go get their treat. Lucky for them, Miami pretty much never gets cold. 29 degree Celsius all year round. So really it is super hot here; Enough heat for ice cream.

Just like a mother, I drag their bikes to my garage, waiting for the door to raise above my head before I toss them on the cement and find myself with the will to stare at this one photo I managed to drill a hole in the wall and hang up of the first script I had for my first movie.

I nod to myself not falling to deep in to much in my accomplishment before I listen to the engine of a car.

"Brayden said that you love milkshakes, so we came back to get you"

I half smirk, turning around to see Cheryl hanging out of the red 2006 Ford GT I brought two years ago. Any wrong handling of that car and it could be crashed into a tree. It's definitely a car that can be qualified for a race of some sorts that aren't on residential streets.

"Yeah I'm driving my car"

Brayden steps out, bumping playfully into me as I lean the seat up for her to get into the back.

"She can't stay back there by herself-"

"Both of us are in the car"

Cheryl's pale pink lips are pouting at me as her eyes widen making sure that I capture every inch of her cocoa brown eyes. It's a small moment but the pure innocence she's retaining and urge to sit with Brayden in the back of this car is eating me alive.

"Please accompany her"

The two of them are like small children giggling about whatever as I drive around, searching for the parlor.

"That one"

Bray sticks her finger pass my face at the parlor I went to the day I had my minor motorcycle crash and brought a milkshake.

Something about thinking about that day makes me wonder what is seriously wrong with me.

I pull into the parlor as they both shuffle out with my preferred treat in their minds. I watch both of them bounce around through the large glass windows, the parlor is small but appreciates a lot of light coming in the small establishment that is covered in yellow, red and blue colors.

There are a few people who interact with Cheryl, excited to see that she's in Miami, I'm not sure if the magazines have been taking photos of us because I've been ignorant to it. I've just been enjoying every little minute I have with her because I'm not sure where and when the next bump in the road is going to come.

The girls shuffle back out with my milkshake, a vanilla ice cream milkshake stuffed with strawberries and whip cream, as well as their ice cream.

Cheryl's is that disgusting mint chocolate on a waffle cone and Brayden's is chocolate in a white paper cup.

"What happened?"

Noticing how Cheryl is back at it again with her pout I can't help but question why. Nothing went wrong from what I've seen through the window.

"Someone was excited to see Cheryl"

Brayden laughs as she rubs her face in to her rosy pink blouse before she hands me the milkshake and goes back to her seat. Cheryl doesn't join her instead sitting next to me in the front.

"They asked could they take a picture with Kimberley's girlfriend"

I pucker my lips up knowing that Cheryl finds it funny and I look back at Brayden who doesn't care to hide the humor she finds in this.

"I told her that everyone love you here. Single or not. Maybe even more because your birthday is coming"

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