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I flew back home to Miami for only two days before I let Nicola break me down to get a private jet to fly us to Connecticut. I guess her coming with me was me fixing the time we didn't get to spend because I went back to England.

The trip is forever in a day even though it's really around two hours and thirty minutes but we finally land at Bradley International Airport, this only being miles away from the house I grew up in Old Saybrook. I guess I can say I'm living the life of a traveler now.

Of course, Brayden I think took it the hardest, she wanted to come but she has to deal with her restaurant business. A family owned chain of places to eat that her father established and the ones she's keeping a float pretty well after he tragically passed away.


Nicola has actually never been here so she would be meeting everyone aside from my father for the very time I believe. The house is basically on it's own little island, a large white washed bricked place with cottage traits with burgundy roofs. The house is too big honestly, there are like ten rooms, five bathrooms and a garage that's basically another house. This is the house my father built and he intends to give it to me when I finally settle down.

He and my stepmother are ready to go but who would want to leave this place?

There are no cars in the rusty bricked driveway. I look at Nicola who's fascinated with the backyard which is practically the ocean and I just drag myself up to the stairs, taking my chance and ringing the doorbell.

The door is glass and I see my brother trying to swiftly run pass before he catches my eyes staring at him.

"Kimberley, I didn't know you were coming"

"Honestly, Dad did not tell me"

Holden is the only child my father had outside of the four of us with my stepmother Marisa who had a daughter, Camden prior to their marriage. Holden is actually very sweet but he lacks much of any common sense. Have anyone tell it, Holden and I look alike the most. Same slate blue eyes, plump lips and glossy brown hair. Same tan skin and same even down to the same chin. Just he was five inches taller and two years younger.

"You must be the friend" Holden extends his hand before I smack it away. It only takes me a minute to realize why he ran pass the door the first time.

"Holden go put on some clothes"

He doesn't hesitate to run up the black stairs and I shake my head, ushering Nic to walk in with me and stare at up at the crystal chandelier above our heads.

"Why don't you talk about this? You lived in a palace"

"It's not a palace it's just what working does for you"

When I first came here when I was five. My father, Amy, and I(she stayed only for a half of year as she cried for my mother every waking day) stayed in a one bedroom apartment until I was seven. He met Marisa, told her about his dreams and she backed him as he laid everything on the line and it ultimately paid off.

"So what does your father even do?" Nicola is still staring at the chandelier.

"He owns his own business. The man repairs computers. I know right, having a computer repair business and becoming wealthy from it. I guess it's not far fetched."

"I guess not since everyone owns one"

I leave Nicola in her amazement before I march upstairs to my room which is still a total mess. I put my crimson suitcase by the door, my eyes staring out of the window at rich navy blue waves crashing against the brown and gray rocks. It's just so peaceful.

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