Photos ||19

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Sorry for not updating sooner. But enjoy I suppose xx :)

Rarely would I even be caught reading a newspaper, a book sure. A newspaper I don't think so. To be honest, I didn't even know newspapers were still in circulation but Brayden brought one this morning when we enjoyed a nice breakfast at one of her restaurants.

My eyes scan the little black print. I can feel my eyelids trying to smash together and send me off to a journey of sleep but I shake myself awake and try to at least read one whole section.

"Babe, I got something for us to do today"

If reading this newspaper wasn't enough of a mission, Cheryl sulks in front of me with a box of pictures. All hers except a gold photo album my father sent to her as a request.

I remember seeing that photo album and I know that there weren't small photos in there. The photos were the size of each page in the book so it became rather a folder.

Putting the newspaper down on the sofa, I slide onto the floor in front of her and her giddy face.

I watch at how eager she is to start on that photo album having literally never put down that black one and she immediately pulls out a picture of me in the second grade.

"My baby was so adorable"

Cheryl reaches over to pinch my cheeks as she looks down at a seven year old me smiling without much teeth but still ready for the camera in that baby blue dress.

"Alright, Cheryl enough of that"

"How can anyone get enough of this? I want a mini version of this. A small you before the sass hit you"

Shrugging to her laughter, I pull her enormous cardboard box and begin digging through photos that were mainly taken by her and some that are from her mother's own personal collection of professional family portraits.

Cheryl was bent on hanging photos in my house. Something that I always had time to do but I just never felt the need to do.


I pull one photo out. An embarrassing one of Cheryl.

"Kimberley why?"

She played a tree in the school play when she was about ten years old. Every time I see her head through the hole in the trunk I laugh until tears can roll down my cheeks.

But this time I don't because her eyes are staring at me without any good intent.

"Photos are just memories. We take them to remember the day or event so we can reflect back upon it. And your mother decided that she wanted to smile every time she saw her tree"

Cheryl could pretend to be angry all that she wanted, but I knew it wouldn't work when I reach out to pull her into my chest and pull the box in between both of our legs so we can look together.

"Hair smells good"

My nose has already sank into the top of her brunette hair and I was finding any reason to evade this photo session and possibly do something else.

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