During || 21

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Any time that I get punished, I yearn to feel the feeling of disappointment but I know that it will never appear because I'll be back in trouble again.

I make it to the hallway, there are only three rooms. Actually there are four. One for Adam, one for my mother and step father, one for Sally and Amy and one room that was actually a closet that my step father was so gracious enough to convert into a small room for me.

The walls are bare white with the exception of a bunch of cluttered photos stuck to them with clear tape.

There isn't really much space to have anything in here besides my twin sized bed and my dresser. There's barely enough room to walk in between those two pieces of furniture.

"Open the window"

I turn around, seeing Cheryl's face smashed against the glass of the window and I quickly trip over everything in my path to open it for her and pull her inside.


"Quite inquisitive already"

Cheryl smiles as I put my hand over her mouth. Anyone could hear just how loud she is and I have had enough trouble today. She continues on, pulling her plum colored backpack off of her shoulders and beginning to pull out several items.

Only one year together and she's already climbing through my window.


Her small hands can barely hold the white stuffed lamb she's shaking in front of my face.

"Why did you buy a lamb?"

"It's your birthday. Here take my gift"

I grab the stuffed lamb out of her hand, staring at a purple bow around its neck and squeezing it because it felt as soft as the fluffy clouds in the sky during the day.


Cheryl gives me a single red rose with the petals already falling off and I'm not sure what it means but I stay quiet.

"Have a seat"

I do continue to stare at her gift choices before I watch her pull out a lighter then a cake she brought from the bakery and stuff sixteen pink candles into the white frosting.

"I got your name on it."

I try to conceal my smile but it's always going to be Cheryl ultimately making me happy and sometimes I can't comprehend that but I appreciate it.

She lights the candles and grabs my hand before she gestures for me to make a wish.

"I don't know if I have any wishes"



"Don't say you have everything you want because you don't?"

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