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Oh my gosh. I was going to update yesterday but I had the worse stomachache ever. And also I was tagged in something and honestly I don't even know what to do for that or how to do it so story about that. But anyway you guys enjoy as usual xx

This glass of milk has never taste so good, slithering down my throat as I swirl it around in the glass.

There's absolutely nothing like being home, in my underwear at dawn, waiting for everyone to wake up and discover that Cheryl and I snuck back in here last night. Sure they'll all be upset but in the end it seems certainly worth it.


My eyes dart from the digital clock sitting on the counter in front of me to the doors that lead outside to the backyard, the sun was rising steadily into the sky, resuming its role in the day and I watch it all play out through the glass doors.

The milk is almost gone as well as my will to drink it. I can't remember the last time I sipped a glass of milk without it being in cereal or in ice cream. This was a sign that I would not be drinking milk alone for awhile.

Scratching my stomach, I stand up extending my arms above my head and yawning loudly like a ferocious beast before the sound of footsteps treading lightly behind me. This causing me of course to turn around and investigate.

"I thought you were in bed?"

"No" The right half of my lips curl into a smirk. Cheryl is yawning uncontrollably, pushing her dark oak strands out of her face lazily and rubbing her eyelids that haven't fully separated yet.

"Who was that?" Her voice is like a squeak as she walks into me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"It was Nicola. Are you not aware that she's been in the bed with us since we came back? Do you guys not sleep together like a weird couple when she's with you because she does that all the time with me"

"We do sometimes. Why do you guys sleep together?" Cheryl is pressing on being curious but the way her muscles relax and her body falls into mine I know she would rather wait for the knowledge and be back in the bed.

"Because we've been doing it when she used to come over my house for play dates and we could not be separated. It stuck"

"That's adorable" Cheryl yawns before the two of us stumble into the counter as her eyelids are closed again.

I sit on one of the charcoal colored stools, pulling her on another as her light snores take over what was a conversation and her head leans into my chest as I lean my back against a wall.

The glass is empty, and I take it upon myself to stretch my fingers out and grab my phone sitting idly by.

There isn't much on it that would concern me. Meaningless messages. Some I answer.

Kim, this is your reminder that mum wants us to spend Christmas together. So work that out with Dad- Sally

It's literally the middle of September why are we talking about Christmas.

I'll be coming up there for a little while to see how the movie is going kiddo- Jace


"My sister, in the flesh"

Looking up I see that Holden is already pinching my cheeks and I swat his hand away before his eyes look down at Cheryl.

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