round two

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Corina's foot inched forward the second Madame B began tilting her head upward, completing the nod. 

Noticing the slight movement Katya jumped into action. Her brain immediately deciding her fate without her conscious input. 

The young girl didn't know what she was doing. All she knew was that she didn't want to die. One moment her hands were at her side the next they were wrapping around Corina's shoulders, her right foot hooking around Corina's left ankle as she pushed forward. 

She had no control of her actions. As the two girls fell, Katya forced herself to keep her hold on the brunet allowing her to keep the upper hand. With closed fist Katya struck the girl across the face, her other hand holding her firmly to the ground. 

Corina struggled against her grip, her legs flailing as she tried to wiggle out of her hold. Corina was both taller and stronger than Katya but somehow her will to survive was just larger than the brunet's. 

Katya continued to punch the girl, tears streaming down her face as blood began to trickle out of Corina's nose. 

Corina bucked her hips in a last attempt, successfully knocking Katya off of her. The raven haired girl recovered quickly, jumping to her feet as Corina pushed herself off the ground. Copying the girls movements from the day before Katya stood with her fists in front of her, her legs spread shoulder length apart to stable herself. 

Corina lurched forward, narrowly missing Katya's temple as she stepped to the side at the right moment. Katya swung her elbow, catching the girl in her ribs as she moved past her. 

The brunet recover quicker than expected and grabbed Katya by the braids. The girl yelped in pain attempting to swing around and kick the girl. Corina yanked backwards, Katya's neck falling back painfully. 

Katya knew what happened next. Her neck was either snapped or she got out of the hold. So despite the pain Katya wiped her head forward and curled into a ball doing a somersault with the fall. Corina practically flipped over the raven haired girl.  

Katya pounced on Corina's awestruck body, yanking her up by the sleeves of her tank top. Quickly imitating the hold which was preformed the day before Katya secured her arms around the girls head and neck. 

She glanced at Madame B, tear filled eyes begging her instructor to tell her not to kill the girl. But with the simple twitch of her upper lip Katya finished the move. 

However she was only eight years old and had yet to gain the strength required in snapping someones vertebra. What was meant to be a quick ending became an agonizing death. The brunet being strangled while constant force was being applied to her neck in order to break it. 

Katya wished she could stop. That she could just walk away. But it wasn't an option. Killing Corina would allow Katya to live so she tried harder. 

She tried to use all her strength to break her neck. She did everything possible to make it quick. But she wasn't strong enough. She suspected that none of the girls would have been strong enough yet. Which meant that most of them would face a slow death. 

Katya kept her hold after Corina went limp. Just the day before she had overheard the older girls talking about how long it took to suffocate a person. So she counted. She counted until it was no longer possible for Corina to hold onto life. 

And when she was sure that it was finished she lowered the girl to the ground. Stepping away from the now lifeless body. 

She thought there would be a pause. A moment for the girl to process what she had just done but as soon as she had stepped away from the body two new names were being called. 

That was when Katya realized she was what she feared. She was the first person to kill. And Corina was the first to die. 


a/n: I really sorry for how morbid this is. This is all fictional. Should their be a trigger warning or something on this book? I don't want to set anyone off. This book is really just to add some back story to the red room because i found the black widows back story really interesting and I wanted to see someone actually go through it from beginning to end.  sorry again guys- hope you are all doing well ;) 

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