Chapter Five

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I had been in that cell for who knows how long. I had moved from the bench to the floor with my back against the side wall.

The package of cards that Steve had left in my cell weren't playing cards as I thought they were.

They were shiny glossy cards with the people I had talked to around the table looking back at me with serious expressions on their faces. Their names were printed boldly on the bottom practically screaming it at me.

When I come to Angel's card I am disappointed to find that her name is indeed Natasha. Just another thing to add to my list of depressing thoughts.


I glance up from where I had been staring at the floor.

There standing in front of me, is the Hatter, with his unruly orange hair and his hat three sizes too impossible.

"You can't be here, Hatter. They'll find you."

He lays his cane down and sits across from me against the other wall.

"You don't realize how long you've been in here do you?"

I shake my head slightly.

"I stopped counting."

Hatter sighs. "Five days they've kept you in here."

I wince. That long?

"How's Wonderland doing?"

Hatter looks angry as he replies, "Red Queen has regained control of Wonderland and is demanding for my head."

I look up to the ceiling and reply back, "Is there anything I can do?"

Hatter then begins to tell me this, "Its been a long time since we saw Alice right?"

Of course. Everything always finds its way back to Alice somehow. Ever since I was exiled, there have been rumors of Alice still being alive. Only Hatter knows this to be true.

"Can you find her?"

I scoff, "Of course I can. Who do you think I am?"

Hatter smiles madly, and stands up.

"One problem though, Hatter. How are we going to escape from here?"

"Easily. Just don't throw up."


Before I can register what he means by that, we are hurled through the skies at a death defying pace. The is Hatter's way of Cavorting, of course. At least he gave me a warning.

The clouds rush by us and I can hear the ticking of a clock. It wasn't going fast enough for me to think that we are traveling back to Wonderland, but still.

I could also hear Hatter's loud laughs. Most likely just being himself.

We land in the same alleyway where we had met before and I immediately clutch my stomach and run to the nearest trash can, hurling up everything I had been fed over the past few days.

When I return to Hatter, I wipe my mouth and say, "Mongrel."

He smiles proudly, "Sure am."


We walk through New York City together, Hatter and I. I was basically leading him to Alice like a bloodhound.

We walk all the way until we get to an alleyway where we find Alice being held against the wall with a hand around her throat.

I have to hold back Hatter as his anger gets the best of him.

"Hatter, let me do this."

I throw Hatter to the side, not literally, and grab the man by the back of his neck yanking him away from Alice.

My strength as Cheshire Cat let's me easily hold the man off the ground.

Then I proceed to toss him down the length of the alleyway, and he lands face first in the dirt.

Hatter is with Alice and despite what just happened to her, she smiles at him.

When her eyes find me, she nearly chokes on her own breath.

"Who are you and why do you remind me of someone?"

I smirk.

"Alice? Thee Alice?" is all I say, but she gets it right away.

"Cheshire Cat?"

I tip a imaginary hat towards her and reply, "In the Flesh."

"But... you're a cat!"

I snicker," Right, and Hatter here is perfectly sane."


Alice takes us back to her apartment, and we tell her everything.

When we explain that the Red Queen has gained control once more, Alice is surprised.

"But I thought that she was banished!"

I sigh and lean back in the arm chair.

"And I was exiled, but that doesn't and won't stop me from going back."

Alice sighs as well, "Then what do you suggest we do about this then?"

Hatter leans forward and speaks evenly, "There is a legend in Wonderland stating that a rare stone lives deep in the darkest depths of the Under forest. It's said that the person who possess it, whether Wonderlandian or not will have the power to cast peace among the world."

I cross my arms, "And why is that necessary information?"

Hatter scoffs, "Why else? Wonderland needs the help."

Alice looks depressed and I tap her forehead, "Don't worry about it kid. We'll find it together."

She huffs and replies, "I'm not a kid. I'm Twenty two."

I smile half heartedly, "Yeah, still older then you."

Hatter and I laugh at the shocked expression on Alice's face.

I might be helping them now, but I still don't like the fact that Hatter thinks that I've forgiven him. I haven't.

He jumps up suddenly when we all hear a knock on the door.

"They found me already?" I say exasperated.

Hatter grabs Alice and I's hand and quickly drags us to the open window.

"Hold on to something."

I groan, "Not again."

And before I can protest any further, the three of us are swept away by Hatter's magic.

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