Author's End Note/Q & A

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So I've gotten quite a bit of feedback from this book. All my fans have different ideas and thoughts -that's a given- but they all have somethings in common...They want more.

I'm not sure when this story became so popular, but it's taken quite a bit of faith and a lot of time to get to the end of this book. It's also been a roller-coaster with how things have turned out. From nearly having to take this book down, being copied, and to being called racist/sexist. Geez people.

When I first started this book I was sure it was going to turn just like the others...Sent to the reject pile for stories I was never going to finish.
Hey you little bitch of a "Friend" Kayla who told me I was a horrible writer and wouldn't ever finish anything... Take your disbelief and shove it up your....nevermind.

Moving on.

I am so thrilled to say that this book is now complete and I will start on the next one ASAP. While you are waiting...How about you check out some of my other creations?
Such as my Arrow Fanfic titled "FELICITY SMOAK: SAVED OR DAMNED?"


Now I've gotten some questions about Cheshire's sister Joker. Such as what is her power, what's her origin, why is she named Joker, etc.

Let me go down the list. 

Why is Cheshire's sister named Joker? Is she related to Batman's Joker?:

"No,  she has no relation to that joker. Her name came from the medieval idea of a 'jester'. I wanted it tie in with the theme of Wonderland. And by the looks of it, she has all the makings of a Wonderlandian at play."

What's the deal with Joker anyways?:

" I had imagined that any relation to Cheshire would have to have to come to the table without all their cards in play, so to speak. In short, they would have to have the idealism of a younger sister or such bent on revenge on an older sibling. That's all I am gonna say without giving anything away..."

Yo, what's Joker's power?:

"Joker's power was originally going to be the power of 'influence'. Such as to lead one to do what Joker wanted them to do. However, that wouldn't have tied in very well to the story line. So Joker's power is the ability to cast Spells -be it black or 'white' magic- and of course, Joker is a shape shifter. Although she is trained by the Red Queen to control her urges to shift. And now your gonna ask what animal she is. Your gonna have to wait for that."




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